t w o || b o r e d

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"George, Sap, im back." Dream called throughout the dark house, illuminated by the few torches around the interior.

"Sap is asleep." George said, sitting on his bed that was placed between Sapnap and Dream's. Dream hung his mask on the small clip next to where George's glasses hung directly next to Sapnap's bandana. Dream stripped off his armour and put his things inside a chest.

Dream crawled into his bed and laid on his back, hands threaded together behind his head.

"I didn't mean to yell at him, he knows that right?" Dream asks softly. He only broke his gaze with the ceiling when he felt a weight against this chest. He looked at the brown mess of hair on his chest that belonged to George. He smiled and moved one of his hands to play with George's hair.

"I'm sure you'll be fine in the morning, Dream. Don't stress over it."

"We've just been fighting a lot. I don't want him to think i don't care for him anymore, ya know?"

"I know, I'm sure he knows that okay? Can we sleep now, i've stayed up half the night because of you." George said with a yawn.

"Go to sleep, Gogy." Dream chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to the male's head. He felt George relax and fall asleep instantaneously, though he couldn't seem to fall asleep himself. The anxiety of Sapnap possibly hating him was far greater and he just couldn't sleep, so he didn't.

| time skip |

Sapnap woke up in his bed. He sat up and looked around to see it was still kind of dark and his friends were holding onto each other as if the world would end any moment. George was curled in a ball, propped on the younger's chest. Dream had a blanket strewn across the pair, covering his face slightly but it was known that he was holding George back.

Sapnap smiled and laughed at his best friends. He watched as what he thought was a simple friendship grew into more for them. He was beyond happy that they had each other. They complimented one another, whether they admit it or not.

While sometimes Sapnap feels like he is the third wheel and can be left out, he wouldn't change things for the world. He is beyond happy for his friends; if he's being honest he prefers them together in a loving, healthy relationship than in an oblivious spiral of untold feelings that he got caught in the middle of.

Sapnap gathered some things from his chest when a voice startled him.

"Please don't run off again." Dream said, voice strained from his lack of sleep.

"Holy hell!" Sapnap cursed in fear. "When did you wake up?"

"I didn't sleep."

"Why? You need to sleep. You'll overwork yourself if you don't." Sapnap explained, worried for his friend's well being.

"I was anxious and driving myself crazy thinking you hated me. I'm sorry for going off on you like that yesterday. I was just-"

"Worried, i know. If you were to do the same, run off whilst lying and not telling anyone and gone for hours i'd yell at you too. I don't realize my actions and how they affect people until after the damage is done. I'm sorry I worried you, it wasn't my intention. I just needed a break because we've been fighting a lot and i wanted to catch a break from that and just some overthinking, i guess." Sapnap explained, scratching his neck in embarrassment.

"Im sorry we've been arguing a lot. I'm just stressed out and trying to keep Tommy and Wilbur from destroying our land. Im really sorry, Sap."

"Don't worry about it. I'm gonna head out for a bit, watch the sunrise. I'll be back by noon. If im not you can rip me a new one." Sapnap chuckled.

Soulmate From Hell || Karlnap ✔️Where stories live. Discover now