s i x || n e t h e r

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Sapnap woke up on the hot netherrack flooring. He was confused, to say the least, about where he was. Once he fully registered that he was in the nether he went into full panic mode. He had no idea what to do in this situation. He saw a nether portal miles away from where he awoke.

Sapnap mined a few blocks and dropped down into the tunnels he made when he was six. It gave him access everywhere without mobs following him. He ran to the location of the portal and began to dig upwards upon hearing the familiar whirling of the portal.

He reached the top and was on ground once again. The humidity felt nice on his skin, though his lungs felt like they were on fire. He'd been gone so long he forgot that it was like inhaling smoke and ash 24/7.

He sighed in relief wanting to go home and hug Karl. How'd he even get here? He shrugged and tried to put his hand through. He drew his hand back almost immediately whilst wincing in pain. The portal wasn't a portal anymore. Well it was, but he couldn't get through it. The purple translucent colour was still as vibrant, though it was as hard as stone. His scratched up knuckles proved that one.

He tried one more time as panic really set in. He continuously punched the portal, desperately trying to go through it and be with Karl and George and Quackity and Dream.

Dream. That is, Dream. Sapnap's train of thought led him to think that if Dream saved him once, he could do it again. He would soon be proven wrong with that fact as Sapnap screamed and screamed, to no avail.

Tears dripped down the red cheeks of the raven haired boy.

"KARL!" Sapnap screamed at the top of his lungs. Pain was spreading throughout his body. Burns forming on his limbs and his lungs feeling like they would collapse. Sapnap collapsed against the obsidian structure, tears dripping down his red face, mixing with his salty sweat.

"KARL PLEASE!" Sapnap pleaded, voice cracking. His breath started getting shallow. His vision started getting fuzzy the more light headed he got. His body ached. Sapnap just wanted relief.

Piglins came out of nowhere and started attacking him. Sapnap stood up quickly and tried to run. He stumbled a fair amount as he was lightheaded and in pain.

One mistake can lead to a downfall. He tripped and lost his footing. He tumbled to the ground. Once he pulled himself up a magma cube jumped from a platform above and hit him.

One hit sent him tumbling into a lava pit below. He felt free as he fell. Like nothing could touch him or hurt him. It was the one part of this reality that felt peaceful. The only thought that came to mind was Karl. Karl. Karl. Karl.


No more Karl.

Sapnap gasped as he shot up in the bed. Karl was quick to sit up and assess the problem at hand.

"Sap, Sap! Sap, babe, you're okay." Karl said quickly.

"Sap, look at me." Karl said softly, laying a hand on Sapnap's. Sapnap turned his head and locked eyes with the brunette. His fear washed away slightly as tears ran down his face.

"I got trapped, Karl. I- I- I died and y-y-you weren't there to save me." Sapnap sobbed, choking up a few times as he spoke.

"I'm here now, Sap. It was just a dream, I promise it won't happen." Karl comforted. Sapnap laid his head in the brunette's lap, tears still swiftly falling down his face. Karl quietly calmed him as he played with his hair.

Luckily Karl hadn't time traveled the night prior.

Karl had successfully put the boy to sleep after a good forty five minutes of convincing him he'd be right here and alive when he awoke.

Not even twenty minutes after Sapnap fell asleep Dream, George, and Quackity walked into the home.

"Sappitus!" Quackity yelled in a happy tone. Karl looked up and got a scowl from Dream once he met eyes. Quackity lit up upon seeing the pair and George smiled a knowing smile.

"Karl! Hi!" Quackity said excitedly.

"Could you wake him up?" Dream asked, voice monotone.

"I just got him back to sleep." Karl said, voice quiet.

"We can come back later than." George said. Quackity nodded but Dream stayed put.

"Dream, we can come back later." George insisted, nudging his shoulder lightly. Dream nodded and pushed himself off of the wall to follow the two.

The silence that filed the house once they left almost crushed Karl. He knew Dream didn't trust him, nor did he like him that much, but he expected something more than glares and scowls. Karl took it as he did something wrong, even though he's done everything right. Karl was clueless as to get someone who means a lot to the person who makes his world turn, like him. He would try though. He would do whatever it took, no matter the cost.

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