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As soon as the front door shut she felt Klaus's breath against her neck.

"I suppose you can't help being nosy, little doppelgänger." Klaus spoke coldly with an apprehensive smirk adorning his lips.

Elena's fingers were still clasped around the handle to the door, as she blanked on any reasonable explanation on why she was in his bedroom.

"I assure you, there is no weapon that can kill me in there." Klaus wrapped his fingers on top of hers and twisted the handle, his body briskly coming against her own. "Unless you know where to look."

She stepped aside for him to enter. He seemed to scan around the room briefly picking up loose sketches and making piles look pretty. He filed through a notebook next to the bed, half facing the door. The notebook was sat on top of the chest that she found the necklace in and fear seeped into her throat. It seemed so small and trivial she didn't think he would even realize, but she didn't know him. She didn't know what was important to him or what he would notice.

"What's that?" She stood twiddling her fingers trying not to let her face turn any sort of color. Caroline was always the one sent to distract Klaus, but the blonde beauty was not there. Her conversation skills and unspoken chemistry were not there to save the day this time. Elena had to find another way to draw his attention.

Klaus held the notebook out. "Lost your desire to investigate, love?" She tightened her brow and he continued to skim through the pages. "It's one of his first copies"— he turned a few more pages—"never was much into literature, but William was a dear friend of Elijah's and had written this after a night of debauchery... the crazy old man that he was."

"What is it?" Elena found herself intrigued by the tidbit he'd shared with her already.

"Hamlet." Klaus let out a sadistic huff, like the memory was fond but ended poorly. "A very early rendition, inspired by yours truly."

She had read the book a long time ago and couldn't think of how it tied into Klaus' life. How he fit into the story. She could hardly remember the plot, though.

"He had been forbidden from releasing this version, so of course he just altered a few details and omitted some characters."

"I think the original would've been too much to handle." She teased in a sarcastic tone. Honestly, she thought the original had to be better, she would pay to read a story about Klaus Mikaelson. She couldn't even imagine what kind of things would be put into a story like that.

"You're more than welcome to it," Klaus smirked, this time he plopped the journal onto the bed carelessly. This was a side to him she didn't get to see often and she was certain something had happened between him and Caroline to get him into such a good mood.

She picked it up and skimmed through it. "This has to be a different language." She knew he wrote in old English, but the scribbling she saw on the pages weren't not legible.

"Ah, that's a very early draft. He often spouts nonsense and his writings are sometimes hard to follow... but..." his fingers brushed against hers as he took the book back into his grasp. "If you ignore these markings—," his fingers brushed the text carefully "—and these marginal notes. With a basic understanding of the language, it should give you a good start."

"I guess I could use something to fill my time." She shrugged, flipping through the journal again, excited to see a glimpse into their previous lives but also nervous to what she would find.

"To keep you away from Kol." His fingers brushed against her waist and she felt completely naked under his touch and his gaze. She wanted to wince as he added a slight pressure to the bruise left on her waist, but knew it would be too telling. He knew, she knew that, but she couldn't give him confirmation.

Loving Danger (Kolena, Klena, Elejah)Where stories live. Discover now