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"Klaus." She wasn't surprised to see him in her room. She had so many dreams with him, that she was now able to decipher that she was in one. His face was always wearing that sadistic grin, eyes tinted yellow even before the spider veins appeared.

She hadn't dreamed of him recently, thanks to the dream catcher Vera made for her. However, his blood was extremely potent in strengthening their connection, affecting her mind in weird ways. Wherever she fell asleep that night he would appear in her dreams, something she should have expected.

"Please. Call me Nik." He spoke softly, brushing hair out of her face. She wanted to pull away, but held strong. "I've been inside you, claimed you... you can at least use my name."

"Nik." She nodded, leaning against his hand nervously. Once she had the ability to decipher it was a dream, she became lucid. If she went along with him and played her part then he would stay calm. Before the witch had spelled her a dream catcher, she had plenty of experience in dealing with her nightmare version of the hybrid.

The dream would always end in her gruesome death, but she always found ways to delay the inevitable. Though, she hated it. Being so affectionate as he spoke of their connection made her feel so dirty.

"You drank my blood." He was grinning, of course, his large unforgiving hands gripping her thighs tightly. "You love the taste."

She hated that it was her own mind coming up with these horrible dreams. She felt gross for craving his blood, so of course he would use it as ammunition.

She nodded, regardless. Tender eyes and a smile—as she played her role.

His grip tightened. "Then you allowed my brother inside you?"

"No, I didn't want it!" She felt tears sting her eyes as his fingers tore into the flesh of her thighs. She his wrists in an attempt to pull him off, but he didn't budge. "Klaus, it hurts!"

"You've hurt me." He seethed back, releasing her thighs and instead moving his fingers to her jaw. He turned her head so she looked him in the eyes, tears pooling down. His tone was broken, but his face showed no semblance of pain—only hatred.

"Please..." she knew her cries were futile. His spider veins appeared and his fangs were already out—once he reached that point there was no escape. But, she would be herself if she didn't try. "Klaus, I didn't mean it."

He ignored her, placing a kiss to her strained neck. She expected him to clamp his teeth down next, but was surprised to feel his fingers slip into her stomach.

"Klaus, the baby," she whimpered, both of her hands tugging his forearm trying to stop him as he slipped his hand further into her pregnant belly. "Please."

She felt her vision go blurry, her fingers relaxing around Klaus' forearm, before completely going limp.

Once every last bit of her life force was gone, she woke up in her bedroom, gasping for air. She was balled up in fetal position clutching her stomach as realization set in that her pain was real this time.

She was drenched in sweat, her stomach feeling as if the baby was clawing it's way out. On a whim, she grabbed a vial of blood that she kept handy in the drawer of the nightstand. Klaus' blood—he had insisted she keep a few vials so she could heal herself in emergencies. At the time she was reluctant, but it brought instant relief to her now.

Just as her stomach began to settle, her phone began buzzing loudly in the quiet bedroom.

"It's five in the morning, Klaus." She rubbed her eyes, suddenly feeling exhausted again. She hadn't even gotten home a couple hours ago, then woke up with stomach pain and a nightmare—far from the quiet night at the Grille she had expected.

Loving Danger (Kolena, Klena, Elejah)Where stories live. Discover now