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Elena took a large gulp of air, coming back to the world in her own physical body.

Her eyes stayed locked shut, however as her memories emerged with Tatia's from the moments she was inhabiting the doppelgängers body. So many memories flooded her mind and she quickly realized Esthers spell was cast and she seemed to instantly be put back into her body, but instead it put a pause on her world while Bonnie worked in their realm to bring her back.

She tried to focus on the key details but a vision of Elijah burned into her brain.

"Tatia, why have you returned?" She was handcuffed to a bed, wearing simple clothing, with a plate of food in front of her. Elena decided they must have figured her out at that point, perhaps that was taking place when Bonnie was trying to bring her back.

"I love you." Tatia replied and Elena winced in pain at the memory.

"I love..."

She winced again trying to push the memory out of her head, flashes of them kissing popped into her mind. She shook her head trying to get them out of her mind; there were so many between them.

A flash of her having sex with Klaus passed into her mind and she started crying. Then Elijah's body was on top of hers between the sheets and she screamed. Her eyes flew open and she was surrounded by the Rebekah, Elijah, Klaus, Bonnie, Caroline, and Stefan.

"Elena! Elena, are you alright? Oh my god Elena I'm so sorry." Caroline was the first to speak, as she wrapped her friend in a tight hug.

Bonnie was standing on the other side of the couch, holding one of her hands with a bead of blood trickling from her nose. Stefan was at the opposite arm of the couch, his face overcome with relief but still clouded with so much pain.

"What do you remember? How was Tatiana able to overcome you? What have you told her?" Klaus started hounding her with questions, stepping forward with a scowl on his face and his arms crossed over his chest.

"You shouldn't be here. Some things are meant to stay gone." Klaus' words flash into her mind. He had told Tatia that after they had sex, emphasizing what a monster he was capable of being.

She stole a glance at Elijah who stood sheepishly at the door. Her heart ached when she seen him, knowing how much she cared for him before her body was taken over. But the memories in her head were harsh and vivid of him sleeping with Tatia.

I love you

"I don't remember anything." She didn't want to admit to having memories of Elijah and Klaus both falling into old patterns with their ex.

Relief flashes across Elijah's face and Klaus seems satisfied with the response, as well.

"And how was she able to—"

"Can the boys please leave the room so Elena can change? She has been back all of five minutes, you don't need to harass her just yet, wolf boy." Caroline spat out firmly. With little resistance Klaus finally agreed to give her some time, but he wanted answers later. Elijah left without a word and Stefan gave her a brief welcome-back and a warm hug.

"Thank you Caroline."  Her friend moved to the end of the couch, plopping herself underneath Elena's feet with a pillow divider between them. "And thank you Bonnie."

"I didn't have a choice." Bonnie spat back. Elena couldn't find many memories of how Bonnie got there, but she could remember some of her reluctance to help.

She tried to delve into her memories, but they pounded through her head like a freight train. The memories were hard to distinguish between hers and Tatia's.

Loving Danger (Kolena, Klena, Elejah)Where stories live. Discover now