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A/N: new character alert!!! Vera, pictured above will become a new regular character.

Elena looked into the floor mirror, her shirt tucked under her bra, her hand running over the flat surface of her stomach. There was a little bump by her belly button, but it was no different than if she had eaten a big meal.

The witch, Vera, had told her it was normal to not gain weight, that she should just eat more to help with that. This annoyed her, because she had been eating. Nearly, triple what she had eaten before finding out the news. Now she was around four and half months and she couldn't see any differences in her body.

Her mood swings were crazy, though. After Klaus left town and his rules came into practice she felt completely torn apart. Dropping out of school, ghosting Jackson, lying to her friends. She hated it. Eventually she got the nerve to talk to Rebekah about it--a surprisingly supportive person in her life lately. Rebekah immediately called Klaus and demanded that she be allowed to see her friends until her pregnancy was evident.

He disagreed, but eventually they reach an agreement that Rebekah, Kol, or multiple hybrids would be with her at all times. Usually it was the blond Original by her side, going to the park, grocery shopping, and mostly often eating at the Grille. They wouldn't exactly talk much, she mostly shuttled her around to hang out with Caroline or Vera, who after a couple months had become a very present fixture in her life.

When she got to see her friends more her mood seemed to stabilize more, or at least it wasn't a depressive mood. Initially, she didn't actually get along with Vera, annoyed at her relationship with Kol and their similar brash personalities. Eventually, though, she relied on her so much that she asked the witch to move in with them rather than staying at a hotel.

It certainly made her weekly visits easier, and eased Klaus' mind immensely.

"Hey, Le-le-lena," Vera called out in a sing-song voice. She pulled her shirt back over her stomach and pushed her doubtful thoughts away. "You in the mood to go get some dinner?"

Vera had only moved in two weeks ago so it took some getting used to having the girl barge into her room. Being as old as the Salvatores, she figured the girl would share the same values of knocking and politeness.

"That top is cute, can I borrow it?" She felt the cotton fabric of the purple, long sleeved shirt, before plopping down onto the bed. "Hey actually, could you invite Damon, too? I already asked Caroline and she was already bringing Stefan but I could tell she didn't want Damon to come. I didn't get his number when we first met and really want to see him again." She rambled on before catching Elena's eye. "Wait! You don't like him still, right? Rebekah told me about the-"

"No, I don't like Damon," Elena responded for no other reason that to stop her rambling. Vera was a bit hard to get along with, but once you got used to her social personality she was very friendly. It was hard to trust her intentions, not many people came to their town without being forced to or without bad intentions.

All the Originals guaranteed that she was a long time friend, excommunicated from her coven for sympathizing with vampires.

"So Rebekah and Matt are coming, too?" She asked, wanting to change the topic from relationships. Being single for almost three months now--counting her almost relationship with Jackson-- it felt like an eternity, to the girl that always found herself in a relationship. At least she was almost halfway through her pregnancy, then she could properly go on a date again.

"Nope, they actually are going on a trip to visit the world famous, Bonnie Bennet, that I've heard to much about and your cute little brother!" Vera gushed fondly on people she hadn't even met, plucking through Elena's jewelry, slipping on a ring as she browsed. "Oh shoot, I wasn't supposed to tell you!" She slapped a hand across her forehead and Elena squinted. "It's not a huge secret, Matt was just feeling guilty... you know because you and Bonnie are fighting."

Loving Danger (Kolena, Klena, Elejah)Where stories live. Discover now