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Two weeks had passed. Elena had been wracked with vivid dreams of Klaus murdering people, torturing people, or torturing her. Then having sex with her or killing her. She hoped they were dreams and not mixed up memories. Every morning around 3 am she would become violently ill and wake up to greet the toilet bowl with vomit.

She had barely managed to convince Matt that it was the flu, before having to correct herself and tell him that it was magic hangover from Tatia stealing her body.

She didn't know if Rebekah knew the truth, if she did she wasn't saying. She would be there every morning, like clockwork, at 3 am with a vial of her blood, a sleeping pill and a water. The Original would silently hold her hair away from the toilet, then set the pill on bathroom counter before disappearing. The water and blood were always on the nightstand.

Caroline had come the first night, but once again Rebekah was able to help convince her that it was just a hangover and a nightmare.

She had even helped to make sure Klaus was still in Venice destroying every trace of the necklace and still wallowing over Tatia in his own way.

If her sickness persisted she knew they would have to talk about it and confirm her strong suspicion. 

"Hey, Gilby, any signs of life?" A knock on her door took her out of her thoughts and she shoved her diary under her mattress.

She had officially gone on two dates with Jackson and had a good time. Despite her horrible nights, she was determined to have good days.

"How was your morning?" He greeted after she called for him to enter. Matt usually let him in; they knew each other from football and he only had good things to say about the boy. "I got you coffee."

"You shouldn't have." She grinned, stretching her arms out and taking a large sip. Their first date was accidental when they ran into each other at the Grille, then he invited her for breakfast the next morning and they spent the entire day together, and night. Then he rushed to get to school on time and it made her feel normal, so she rushed too. Almost everyday after that he stopped by with coffee and offered her a ride to school.

She had hardly taken school seriously, but when she arrived it was like she never left. Matt had asked Caroline to compel the teachers and come up with a story as they did and then she just went to her classes. Then after school she would ride home with Jackson or Matt and study. Instead of getting drunk and making out with strangers, she threw herself into her schoolwork to distract from everything.

"I'm running a little early today," he admitted, dropping his school bag down at the foot of the bed and taking a seat near her feet. "I wanted to ask you something."

"What's up?"

"Well, I wanted... I mean, we've been going on dates and hanging out, and having... well, kissing and you know." He stuttered and she grinned at his awkward human characteristics. "Well, it's Friday and I have a game. I wanted you to come... cheer for me I guess. Wear my jersey or whatever, like—"

"I would love to." She giggled and once again her cheeks ached at the feeling of her smile. Caroline often invited her and since they moved into their new house she was aware that Matt had been getting back into shape and going to some practices. She wasn't sure if he was out on the field for games yet, but he would be there, too.

Old Elena. Happy Elena.

"Awesome. That's awesome." He leaned down the side of the bed and pulled a jersey out of his bag. "Uh... here. I brought it with in case you said yes."

"A little presumptuous, huh?" She grinned, grabbing the oversized jersey nonetheless.

"The image of you wearing only that... fueled me." He admitted with a blush taking his lower lip between his teeth for a moment.

Loving Danger (Kolena, Klena, Elejah)Where stories live. Discover now