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"You really can't tell," Vera giggled, clipping the buttons together on Elena's nun costume. "I really didn't know, I promise. I just picked the least revealing costume, I didn't see that it was a tear-away dress." As she apologized, she couldn't hold her giggles in.

"It's kind of my fault, I guess. I should have gone with, or at least tried it on a day in advance." She sighed, thankful that it wasn't revealing anything, at least. It was loose enough that any weight gain would be hidden, and hung just below her knees, which was about as modest as she could hope from a halloween costume. She laughed when she realized even the headpiece had buttons so it could be easily pulled off.

"At least its loose so you wont accidentally pop a button while dancing." The black haired witch teased, readjusting her own costume. She a skin-tight latex suit and black face mask with cat ears. She mentioned that she had gone as Poison Ivy the year before and had been waiting to go as Cat-Woman. "Do you think Damon will like this?"

"Damon?" Elena rolled her eyes with a small scoff. "Damon Salvatore? Have you met him? He won't be able to look away."

"Well... yeah, I guess you're right. I look pretty damn good." She smoothed over the creases in the latex. "Are you feeling bummed out?"

"I think I'm alright." She slipped er black flats onto her feet and made the final adjustments to her outfit, as well. "Honestly, it will be easier when I can just avoid them instead of making up all these excuses."

"Oh right, what lie have you come up with for when you disappear for five months?" Rebekah leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed with a scowl . She had decided to come back for the Halloween party, with Matt. It would be the last time she could hang out with her friends as her weight gain was mildly visible now.

But they had apparently gotten into an argument on the ride home, putting Rebekah in a terrible mood.

"I guess I'll take a page from your book and say that I am going to travel." She replied, glancing towards the Original. "Does your cheer uniform really count as a costume?"

"Mind your business." She spat back, hypocritically.

"Aw, is little Becky grumpy?" Vera teased, poking her cheek, as they all walked down the hallway. "Pretty ironic that you chose to wear that."

"How is it...?" Rebekah swallowed her words as Matt opened the front door, dressed up in his football uniform. "Hey, Matt."

He grinned politely, stepping out of the way to allow them through. It was chilly and he had decided to warm his truck up for a couple minutes before the girls finished getting ready. Even though he had seen Rebekah in her cheer uniform a million times, he found it very endearing that they had ended up matching, even while arguing.

Despite his desire to compliment his grumpy girlfriend, the car ride was silent.

"Okay, don't get into any trouble, while I park." Matt warned the girls as they maneuvered out of the back seat, Rebekah already gone. He grabbed Elena's hand as she stepped out, "I'm sorry we haven't really had a chance to talk, be careful, tonight, okay?"

"Matt." She gave him an understanding smile, recognizing the guilt he was carrying. "Please don't put me as a priority. I have enough people looking out for me lately, I feel like an art exhibit. I'm glad your back, just say goodbye before you leave this time, okay?"

They shared a meaningful look before she made her way into Caroline's house. It was a bit smaller than the usual parties she held there. Almost exclusively the football players and cheerleader were in attendance, as well as a handful of Caroline's student council friends.

Loving Danger (Kolena, Klena, Elejah)Where stories live. Discover now