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"You can take the bed."

"Thank you." She breathed in the crisp air and set her bag down on the corner table. She avoided eye contact with Elijah.

Shame raged inside of her. They had met with a witch that confirmed it was Klaus' child. The most dangerous man in the world had buried his seed within her. It was more than just a baby. His glowing wolf side showed up in her dreams every night. His blood flowed in her system, she could feel it burning, felt herself hungry for more.

She was grateful to Elijah. Even with the awkwardness, he honored her request to get some space from Mystic Falls. To get some space from the rest of his family and the crazy situation.

The night she most wanted to forget was burned into her memory and she would be forced to relive it every time she thought of carrying his child. For that she was ashamed.

"Can I... get you anything?" He asked tenderly and she could feel his eyes. In her peripheral she could see him scratching his neck awkwardly.

"No." She rifled through her bag and pulled out a pair of pajamas. She wasn't able to pack much in the short time, but she managed to grab a pink frilly set that her mom had bought for her. They were a bit too long and bunched at her feet but the sleeves were soft. They reminded her of a better time and she desperately needed it. "May I?"

"Huh?" He glanced up from his work unfolding the pull out couch. He shuffled out of her way, their bodies brushing against each other. "Sorry."

She decided the bathroom wasn't the worst she'd ever been in and that it would be alright to take a shower. She needed something to clear her mind, even for a second.

Klaus was likely to lock her in a dungeon when she returned home. She wanted to run away but knew it wouldn't be long before Klaus, his hybrids and his many other resources captured her. She was just thankful that Elijah's mediating skills had gotten his brother to agree to letting them have some space.

He agreed that when they returned Elena would talk with him—of course, it needed to happen, but she couldn't fathom what she would say. What would he say? He's been uncharacteristically understanding, so far.

He knew she was pregnant with his child, yet, he hadn't even made an attempt to talk to her yet. Elijah told her that he was feeling uncomfortable around her and guilty about the situation.

Yeah right. She scoffed at the thought of Klaus feeling guilt over this. He killed her aunt without a drop of remorse, but this was where he drew the line?

The worst part of their little excursion was Elijah. He was constantly on her mind, always in her sights. She thought she was annoyed at him always disappearing, but his presence was even worse. She couldn't get him out of her heart, despite his words.

She wanted to trust him.

Meanwhile he couldn't look at her without showing pity. Sorrow filled eyes assaulted her every time they met. Of course, she carried his brother's child, while being hopeless infatuated with him still. How could he not pity her? She was ashamed to meet his gaze.

She was embarrassed that she had hopefully thought he was the father for a time. This whole situation would be so different. She could even see herself being excited at the news, even after what happened between him and Tatia. She could forgive him.

But it wasn't his child. It was the self proclaimed Hybrid King's child growing inside her.

She scrubbed her body roughly, feeling so dirty.

"Elena, are you alright?" There was a sharp knock on the door of the bathroom and it took her out of her thoughts.

She looked at her raw arm, scratch marks on her thighs as well. She had zoned out, thinking about Klaus and Elijah made her so angry. Couldn't they just enjoy their ex without sleeping with her? Why was she forced to face the repercussions of their actions.

Loving Danger (Kolena, Klena, Elejah)Where stories live. Discover now