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"Where...where am I?" Elena mumbled, her vision returning to her, but her eyes were still squinted tight at the bright light.

Her last memory was passing out in the bathroom but feeling fresh air on her skin she instantly knew something was wrong.

"Keep up," she felt hands jolt against her back and a familiar voice breathed words into her ear, "lest the wolves get you."

He nibbled at her ear and gave a loud howl to solidify his point.

"Klaus." She squinted her eyes at him as he ran through a field. She didn't recognize the area, couldn't picture any large barren field in Mystic Falls, but with Klaus' powers they could be anywhere in the world. "What wolves?"

She was filled with questions, but his disappearing figure wouldn't allow her any answers.

"Klaus! Wait! Where are we?" She chased after him, pausing only briefly to realize she was in a flowing green dress that went all the way to her ankles. "What am I wearing?"

She ignored all her suspicions and chased after the vampire, running at a human speed. She followed him for a short while until he stood still in the field and she was hesitant once again. He stood with open arms, a crudely woven picnic basket set before him on top of an animal hide.

He was dressed in clothes that she had seen in her history books and his hair just barely kissed his shoulders.

"What's this?"

"Do you like it?" A blush tinted his cheeks and he stalked towards her, still not answering a single question.

"Klaus. What is going on?" She was getting frustrated at this point, not taking well to being ignored. She felt a pull to touch his chest and suddenly her hand trailed against his torso all the way down to the sword tucked into his waistband.

He took her face in his hands and tenderly laid a kiss on her lips.

And she kissed him back.

She kissed him. Klaus Mikaelson. Why was she kissing him?

"Nik..." she moaned out his name, unable to control it.

He laid her down on a patch of daisies. When she took a moment to look around the field was covered in them. It really was a beautiful location, but why had Klaus taken her there? Why had he kissed her?

"What's going on?" Her words once again fell on deaf ears.

He threw down his sword and belt far enough beside her that they didn't touch her, but close enough that she could see her reflection. There were daisies woven into her hair and her skin was tanned.

"What's going on?" Tears welled in her eyes as a panic set into her. Something had to be terribly wrong. Why was she acting that way? Why was he acting that way? Where were they?

His shirt slowly came off as his hands yanked it over his head. Then he descended upon her, slowly running his hand up her leg, gliding it under her dress as she felt a giggle escape her lips.

"You are naughty, Niklaus." The words fell from her lips but this time she was certain they weren't her words. She felt feelings inside that didn't belong to her either, craving, lust, and... love. She felt such a tenderness in her heart as she looked down at his pink lips and blushed cheeks.

Loving Danger (Kolena, Klena, Elejah)Where stories live. Discover now