Chapter 5: Struggles

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"What isn't?" The soldier asked.

"I am not....." Adaline didn't know how to phrase what she wanted to say. "I am not whatever it is that you are implying."

"Of course she isn't!" Someone from the crowd shouted.

"Enough," spoke the Darkling, making the room go into an instant silence.

Adaline's heart was beating faster but the situation was amusing. What were they trying to tell her? She wasn't Grisha and she wasn't anyone special.

The Darkling rose from his chair and descended the steps. The soldiers surrounding Adaline moved away and she felt alone all of a sudden. She forced herself to keep her gaze on the Darkling but the urge to run the other way was overwhelming. "What isn't right, Adaline Chernoff?" He asked.

She shivered when he spoke her full name and she hoped that he didn't notice it. "This," she repeated, keeping her voice firm. "The volcra weren't supposed to notice us. We weren't anywhere near the edge of the land and we were not close to the safety borderline either. Neither of us were hurt and...." Her voice trailed out when she realised how close he was standing to her. She could smell rain all of a sudden.

The Darkling cocked his head to one side. "And why do you presume that we are gathered here?"

She did not know the answer to that. "All I know is that there has been some kind of a mistake. I'm not...."

His mouth twitched into a smile as he considered her point of view. He was finding her suffering amusing? Adaline's fear went right out of the door, but she was still intimidated by the powerful Grisha that stood very close to her. She prayed for her knees to not give way. She couldn't faint at that time and she definitely did not want him to catch her.

"Maxwell," spoke the Darkling and the soldier turned around to face them. "Come here." The blue-eyed soldier walked forward and stood a safe distance from the Grisha. "Cut your arm."

"What?" Adaline and Maxwell spoke at the same time

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"What?" Adaline and Maxwell spoke at the same time.

The Darkling was looking eagerly at her and she had the strongest feeling to throw a punch across his perfect jawline. But Maxwell's words came back to her. Do not show out your anger.

Maxwell pulled out a knife from its case and looked once at the Darkling, whose gaze was still on the girl before him. Adaline looked back and forth between the two men. It seemed like they were alone in the room but there was something in the back of her head that made her keep to herself.

Maxwell swung the blade across his arm and Adaline stepped forward in instinct. The Darkling had his arm out as if to stop her but he didn't need to. The ground started to shake and made everyone lose their balance. A strong wind blew and threatened to pull the roof of the tent away with it. Adaline was feeling warm and was the only one that wasn't shaking with the ground. She stood perfectly still as a familiarly unfamiliar feeling spread through her hands. "No," she whispered.

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