Chapter 9: Beauty Sleep

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Adaline could not sleep at all. The bed was too soft for her to become tired and for her eyes to give way to the darkness to engulf her. She lay awake for a really long time and ended up curling up on the floor, for that was the most comfortable.

There was a loud knock that seemed to wake her up right away. The knocking continued even though she hoped that it would stop. Maybe it is a dream, she told herself but the noise did not stop. She groaned and pushed herself to walk towards the door to open it. The door opened with a flash, pushing her against the wall in order to not herself. 

"We need to work quickly!" She heard a voice. A blonde woman with a voice like honey walked in with two other women with her. She was wearing a salmon-coloured kefta, one that was unheard of.

"Who are you?" Adaline asked, but the woman simply clapped her hands and the two women wearing white started to walk towards Adaline. "But who are you?" When they tried to touch her, she pulled back.

"I was told that you would make a fuss."

"Then just tell me who you are. And do not touch me!"

She gave out an exasperated sigh. "My name is Freya."

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" She asked. "Adaline." She introduced herself.

"It's nice to meet you, Adaline," said Freya with a smile on her face. "Do you have a problem with people touching you?"

"I don't like it," she replied. "I don't....I can't explain it. Just don't touch me!"

"Alright. Understood. But we need to get you ready to meet the King and Queen."

"Now?" She asked, eyes wide open.

Freya laughed and even that sounded like bells. "That's why I'm here. I need to get you ready."

"And what if I refuse to cooperate?"

"And what if I refuse to cooperate?"

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Freya had been expecting that. Maxwell had warned her well. "Then we will have to force you."

Adaline closed her eyes to prevent anger flooding her. "I'm not anyone's subject. I'm not under anyone's dominion and I definitely do not owe the crown a visit," she said for the millionth time. She was never going to be a puppet for anyone, especially the King. He could show his cruelty on his people and Adaline was never going to be his subject.

"Then you will have to talk to the Darkling. He was the one who sent me."

"Great! Where is he?" Adaline was going to have a tough word with him and wasn't afraid to throw some punches, as long as her voice would be heard.

Freya raised her eyebrows at her, thinking about her seriousness. "You can meet him once the courtroom empties."

"C-courtroom?" Adaline's worst fear had come true. Simon had always made fun of her hatred towards the crown. He always teased her by telling her to imagine what would happen if she was presented at court in front of every Grisha. Oh how she wished she could break something!

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