Chapter 15: A Request

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Adaline woke up with a jerk when the events of what happened started to haunt her eyes. Her headache had subsided but she could still feel the pain. It was like peeling off a scab, but the pleasure of the after effect was absent. Her vision was blurry at first and it took a few minutes for her eyes to adjust to the light from the candle beside her on the bedside table.

The drapes were drawn over the windows in the room and she thanked Freya for that thought. But even so, she knew that it was night time. Her stomach grumbled and she realised that she hadn't eaten since the previous night. "I hate it here," she whispered, getting out of bed. Her dress was shrivelled and almost tripped her. "Saints." She swore under her breath.

After getting dressed into her comfortable uniform, Adaline walked down to the main hall. The tables were almost empty, which meant that she was quite early. She ate her share of food in silence. Her eyes kept glancing in the direction of the doors that led to the Darkling's private quarters even though she tried not to. Had he really helped her? Why had he followed her out?

His voice echoed through her ears very clearly. Concentrate on my voice. It was so clear. It seemed to break whatever repressed vision had attacked her. She could smell the sandalwood aura that she had smelt when she fell into his arms. She shuddered at that thought. Did she really fall into his arms?

Her eyes opened wide when another thought entered her mind. She was in her room when she woke up. Adaline closed her mouth. Had the Darkling carried her to her room? "Saints."

Having gone tired of what her mind was making her go through, she went out for a walk. There weren't many Grisha outside and that only made it easier for her. She wrapped a shawl around her arms and walked the perimeter. Her mind was still concentrating on the Darkling's voice but she had the wind to help her forget what had happened, even if it was just for a few minutes. She went to the same place by the lake and stood in the exact spot by the pebble stones. She sat down and looked at them one by one. Something was definitely happening to her. The palace seemed so familiar and yet so distant.


She lifted her head to see the Head of His personal guard. "Maxwell." She acknowledged his presence and stood up.

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed some air." she said, softly.

He nodded. "I heard what happened today. Are you okay?"

 Are you okay?"

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"I don't know." She shook her head lightly. "I don't know what's happening to me."

"Anything I can do to help?"

She punched his arm softly. "I wish. Unless you can get me out of here, I don't think there is anything else that I want more." A sigh escaped her. "Actually, there is one thing." He stood straighter, eager to hear her reply. "I have a friend back at the camp. His name is Simon. I don't know if he was recruited and if he is here or not. I don't know who to believe or to trust."

"What's his full name?"

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"What's his full name?"

"Simon Petrov." That wasn't actually his surname but he went by it.

Maxwell thought about it for a few seconds before answering. "I remember the list and I don't think we have recruited him."

"Oh thank the Saints!" She held her heart in relief and saw him smile. "I didn't mean it like that."

He laughed. "I'm sure that you didn't. Is he your brother?"

"Sort of. Adopted. Kol - the little redhead you saw is also adopted. Father wanted to provide a home for people that he could." She explained. "Can you get Simon a letter? I know that Grisha don't keep in touch with their family but since I am not one-"

"You could be one." 

"I'm not."

She was praying for him to agree because she really needed to get the word out. She was caught the previous time but she had a back up plan now. She needed Simon's help to escape and though the Little Palace wasn't the Ice Court, he couldn't break her out. But he could meet her at the end of the forest's trail and help her leave the country safely. And all that would depend on Maxwell's reply.

"Alright." He nodded. "I can take it to town the next time I go on patrol."

She exhaled in relief. "Thank you so much!" She closed her mouth with both her hands as she tried to breath. She could get out soon if things went right and in her way!

"Is it anything urgent? Do you need any help?"

"I'm good, thank you. I just need to tell my family that I'm okay and that they don't need to worry about me."

"I'll get it out soon then," he promised. "Also, I took your advice."

"You did?" She squealed. "What did Irina say?"

"She said that she liked me as well and that she had been waiting to talk to her."

"I knew it!" She threw a pebble onto the surface of the lake and saw it jump up and down on the surface as it ricocheted. "I know you don't want to hear this, but I told you so!"

"Yes. You did." He smiled. "Oh and before I forget," she looked up at him. "The Darkling wants you to meet him in his council room."

"What? Why?" She felt defensive of herself suddenly. He was the last person that she wanted to meet after the previous day's events.

"Good question," he chuckled. "You better come with me then."

He started walking towards the palace but she stood where she was. He turned around when she spoke, "I don't want to."

"Adaline." He walked back towards her and spoke in a whisper. "He won't hurt you." He held her arms to let her know of his protection. He wasn't afraid to do that anymore because she had told him how she felt and told that she didn't mind it as long as it was for a short time.

"You don't know that. He hurt you. He can hurt anyone."

He sighed. "Trust me."

He started heading towards the palace. Adaline followed him that time but was rolling the pebbles in her hand to keep herself calm. She was twiddling her thumbs in a circle one over the other. They walked towards the doors and all eyes were once again on them. Maxwell knocked on the door and when he heard the faint acceptance, he beckoned for her to enter the room. She took a deep breath and opened the door with shaking hands. 

It was going to be just the two of them.

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