Chapter 16: Important

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He was standing by the fire, getting his hands warm. The weather was getting chilly. The room was cozy. There was a table at the end of the room that was filled with battle plans and rolled up maps. Adaline's eyes fell on them immediately, her curiosity taking over. She hadn't noticed the space in the room the previous time she was there.

"I see that you are feeling better." The Darkling turned around, crossing his hands behind his back. "How are you?"

"I'm feeling better."

Adaline stood a few steps from the door. She didn't know what it was about the Darkling that made her want to run the other way. Facing him was a little embarrassing after her incident. She could feel the heat rush to her face but hoped that the light from the fireplace would hide that.

"Maxwell has me informed about your progress."

"You will change your mind. I'm not capable of this."

"You think that now, Adaline Chernoff." 

She shivered as he addressed her with her full name. The power of a name held the power of the person themselves. "I have told you a million times that I'm not Grisha. I don't fit here and I will never fit anywhere."

"That's because you have told me that you're not Grisha. but you are something." He walked slowly towards her. Her breath was cut short when she realised that he was planning to intimidate her. He stood so close to her that she could smell the sandalwood and the smell of earth after rain.

"Then why am I here?" She kept her gaze strong. "You cannot find out whatever I am. My powers aren't going to help you in any way. I will only be a burden here and you need skilled people."

He crossed his arms across his chest. "You seem to think very little of yourself."

"I have no reason not to." Silence filled them while they stared at the other. "T-thank you." She couldn't believe that she stammered and wanted to move backwards, but her feet were glued to the ground.

A genuine smile spread across his face as he realised why she was thanking him. "I'm glad you didn't fall into the lake."

She couldn't help but smirk but immediately composed herself. She was standing in the Darkling's room. It wasn't the best place to lose her focus. "I wouldn't have minded it," she joked. "Please." She took a deep breath. "Let me leave."

He looked back and forth between her eyes. "Only I can help you, Adaline," he whispered. "And I think it is time to make you see what I do."

He grabbed her arm softly but did not use his powers. The after effects were immediate. The entire castle shook to its ground. The lake outside started to bubble as Adaline struggled to breathe. "Let me go!"

"You need to control your power." She had been working on it but somehow, she hadn't expected the physical contact.

Once they parted, the land calmed down and took to its calm state. Adaline held onto the wall near her for support. She held the place where he touched her. She hadn't felt such exertion in a really long time. She hated that she couldn't be normal. She could never touch people the way they wanted her to - a comforting hug, a courteous greeting, a shake of hands....she just couldn't.

she just couldn't

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"Come with me." He wore a cloak around him and pulled the collar up.

"Where?" That was all she could ask. She was his prisoner like everyone else, and there was nothing that she could do.

He walked towards her and helped her get up. Adaline noticed that he wore black gloves and that seemed to help her. He understood her problem. She looked deep into his eyes and wondered if he was burdened by a purpose that was passed onto him, something that he had been waiting for for a really long time. 

"She hasn't had a student in a really long time," he continued. "But only she can help you now."

The two of them started walking towards the training arena. Adaline couldn't believe the emptiness that she was feeling. Why did she have to be touch-repulsed? What was wrong with her? Everyone that she knew felt something towards someone and were getting close to them. All she could do was keep a distance from everyone because she was only comfortable around people that she knew.

"Why were you there?" She asked him.

"I was going to check up on you," he replied, but his gaze was straight ahead.


"Because you completed my wish of punching the Golden Prince."

"You wanted to punch him?" Maybe the Darkling wasn't so different from her after all.

They stopped walking when they reached a rock hut in the back fields of the Little Palace. "Come on." He walked up the stone steps and walked inside the hut.

The hut was small when you looked at it first but it could definitely be a compact library. It reminded Adaline of a house that she had read in a book of tales. She loved myths and theories. She was known around the camp for telling stories based on conspiracy theories and sighed. There was nothing that she could do. There was no point missing the only place she could consider her home.

Adaline was unsure of what to do but followed him in and was immediately met by the heat that was somehow trapped inside. She let go of her shawl and folded it in between her hands, finding the cold better than the heat. "Why are you back here, boy?" A rough voice echoed through the darkness.

"I'm gonna be honest. Certainly not to learn from you."

Adaline was shocked

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Adaline was shocked. Who was talking back to him? Right then, a faint outline emerged from the shadows. The light from the fireplace only lighted so much. The voice belonged to an old and very beautiful woman. She was wearing a dark kefta and it was curious as to how her powers would work. "But you have brought me another useless creature."

A smirk spread across Adaline's face despite having been insulted. It was not always that she could watch the Darkling go speechless. He brushed his fingers through his hair. She couldn't help but stand there and admire him. It was such a humanly gesture which seemed impossible whenever she thought of him with his powers.

"Adaline, this is Baghra," spoke the Darkling, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Well," said Baghra. "Let's see what she can do."

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