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Our class in one of my major Pol Sci subject was invited to a whole day conference at KY Hotel in Seoul.
I am so excited as the guest speaker is a world class lawyer and so in demand in every corner of the world.
Mr. Johan Kim.

He is known for winning famous mystery cases.
His disability didn't hinder him to become a great lawyer. He is my inspiration. He is someone I look up to. Now is the chance that I will get to see him in person and listen to his words.

He gave a short lecture but it was very meaningful as he did not only talk about Law and being an attorney. He gave us advices.

The seminar ended around five in the afternoon. I didn't join my classmates in the school bus back to school as I need to use the restroom first and I don't think I still have to go back to the University anymore.

I waited for the elevator to stop on the floor where I am at. It's too slow.
I'm too focused on the elevator screen from each door and waiting for whichever to open first. One door opened but didn't mind it as it will still go up to higher floors.

I was alarmed by a man screaming along the hallway and there's a guy shouting at him.

"Look around while you walk, old man. Watch your way next time."
He said. Sounds familiar.

I rushed to see the situation and it was Kai. He's with a girl and they entered the hotel room next to the function hall where our activity was held.

I ran towards the man whose body is on the floor while he is trying so hard to remove his artificial leg from his pants.

"Mr. Kim. Oh my god! What happened?"
I helped helped him pull his artificial leg.

"Hi. That arrogant guy bumped me and he even shouted at me. Kids nowadays don't even know the word respect. So disappointing."
He said and I can see in his eyes that he became sad.

"Let me help you, Mr. Kim. I am Lisa Manoban, one of your listeners during the conference."
I introduced myself and he smiled at me.

"How can I help you, Mr. Kim?"
I asked.

"My driver is not around. I gave him a day off so I drove myself here this morning. Now how can I go home with this broken leg?"
He said and instead of being sad. He laughed so hard. His artificial leg has now a crack.

"Okay. Can you call someone or your supplier to provide you a leg asap?"
I asked.

"Yes, but it will surely still be available tonight. I can't wait to go home. My daughter has a heart problem right now and I need to see her. She needs me."
He said.

"I can drive you home. I have a driver's license, Sir. I take my father's job to drive his boss when he is not feeling well on weekends. I know I am a stranger, but if you just like, I can help you."
I offered and actually nervous to what he is going to say.

He said and looked at me straight in the eyes.

I lifted him up and made him lean on the wall first so I can get his artificial leg on the floor. I carried it and I placed his hand on my shoulder to guide him down the basement.
I guided him until he got in his car and he gave me the keys.

"So, where are we heading to, Sir?"
I asked.

"Are you sure you don't have class anymore?"
He asked first.

"Yes. And I don't skip my class if I have. I don't want to risk my scholarship."
I said and he smiled.

"Ok, kid. Florence Village"
He said.

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