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After five more months, I got bothered of the issues coming out on the news.
Lisa is always visible to the media.
News here and there. The divorce case of Hyeri and Jackson has become a public interest.

And Lisa already warned me about this.
But there are photos scattering around.

Lisa and Hyeri: Dating in the midst of the case.


I looked at the photos and I am not sure to believe it or not. Their body language says something. It's not only like a lawyer-client relationship. But maybe I am just overthinking?
There are photos where Lisa holds Hyeri's waist, another on her arm. Then they're hugging each other on the other one.

I don't know how to react.
I am jealous.
Why isn't she telling me about this?
Is she playing around because until now I can't be with her?
Jennie, you have some shortcomings too.
Ugh! This long distance relationship is killing me.

I'm at the living area watching the news about this case and she is being interviewed about it as soon as they came out of the court.

Reporter: Attorney Manoban, how is the case going?

Lisa: All good. Divorce will take place very soon and Ms. Lee here will be out of his hands. We'll put him in jail for all the abuse he did to her.

R: Attorney, can we ask some personal questions?

L: No, I don't take personal questions relating to my client. Let's respect her silence for now.

R: It's not just about her, Attorney.

Lisa looked at the reporter curiously.

R: Are you and Ms. Hyeri Lee dating? Are the rumors true?

Lisa kept quiet and guided Hyeri inside the car.

My heart.
I feel like I'm choking.
I can't breathe.
What if they developed some feelings towards each other along the case? God.
Is she not in love with me anymore? Should I fight for this? Should I go back to Korea and continue a year left for my residency there?

I was about to sob because this is killing me.

The TV caught my attention when Lisa went out of the car again and the reporters are surrounding her.

L: About the rumors between me and my client Ms. Hyeri Lee are all not true. She is my client and I am her lawyer. That's all.

Lisa was about to turn her back from them when she suddenly faced them again.
Everyone was attentive.

L: And I already have a fiancée. She's just in the US right now for her residency. We'll get married the moment she's back here. Will you all stop taking photos of me and my client in whatever angles you get and make stories about us? I have also someone special to protect here. Thank you.

Reporter: Is it still Jennie Kim the daughter of the the great Johan Kim?

L: Yes. No one else.

And I'm out of words. This is a sudden shift of my emotion. What was that?
I mean, Lisa was so serious during the interview. And she makes me crazy. My heart is pounding. 

I sent her a message right away.

J: So, I was watching the news, and you're so fucking hot. Do you know that? But the rumors broke my heart. I just didn't want to ask you about it before. But then you claimed me as your fiancée. 🤍
You really want me to get my ass out of the house and run to catch a flight to Korea so I can give you the lovemaking you deserve? I love you!
I love you so much!

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