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We're emotionless for the past week.
We don't even have a decent conversation lately.

While preparing Lisa's breakfast after I ironed her clothes for work, I kept thinking what happened last night.

Last night, she came home. Drunk.
Not alone and she's with a woman.

I pretended not seeing them and she brought her to her room.
Moans. Bangs.
They did it all.

While me,
I was crying in bed. Tried to calm myself. Tried to be strong for my baby. We all know I can't complain, right?

The lady left the house this morning and I even called a cab for her. She asked who I am and I said I am just Lisa's cousin.
What will I say? I am not even her girlfriend.

She came down all set for work.
She looked for me but I just placed her breakfast on the table and I led my way to the backyard with my milk.

She followed.

"Are you not going to eat with me?"
She asked.

"I am not yet hungry.
By the way, Lis. Kate left this morning. I helped her take a cab. She said she left her number on your side table."
I said calmly not looking at her and she was shocked.

She's trying to remember everything.

I'm sorry, Jennie."
She said and I just smiled at her.

I continued looking at nowhere while drinking my tea. I am composing myself.

After she ate, she came back to me at the backyard to say goodbye and kissed my head before she headed to work.

J: I want to explode! I want to scream!
Whenever something happens to me related to a guy or whoever she wants to get jealous with, she's acting so cold to me.
She is so damn cold towards me lately and I don't know what to do anymore, Rosé!
She's treating me like a ghost here at home.

R: Jen, that simply shows she has still those issues in her heart before. She's not yet healed.

J: Yes, I know. This is why I am trying so hard. I try everything just to make her forgive me. I take care of her. I do everything she wants. I submit to her. I am no longer that old Jennie. I have learned my lesson. I really don't know what to do now. 

R: Calm down, okay? I think you two should talk.
Jen, I have something to confess to you too. I know this is bad timing but I don't know how to tell you.

J: Why? What happened? Tell me. How are you?

R: Jisoo and I, we've been on the rocks lately.
I caught her having an affair with her colleague, Jen.

Shit. I went speechless. I didn't expect this.

J: Oh god. Did you guys talk about it already? You want me to come over to your place now?

R: Yes, and I don't know why I want to break up with her. I don't want to see her, Jen. She slept with that woman!

J: I'm coming over.

God. I didn't expect Jisoo would do that to Rosé.
I told Sancho to get ready and I need him to drive for me to Rosé's place.

I messaged Lisa to inform her that I'm going out.

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