Chapter 8

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I stared at the small girl in front of me. My wife. Briar. She was terrified, still, nervously sucking on an orange segment trying anything and everything that she could possibly do to avoid looking me in the eye.

She was a pretty little thing. Long soft hair, dainty features and those innocent little eyes. And her skin- so pale. No doubt from the lack of natural sunlight she had received though throughout all her years locked away from the outside world. I would have to do something about that, I was more than aware that what I had done to her was extremely unhealthy. But still, she had to learn that these 'privileges' had to be earnt. Otherwise she'd take far too much for granted and would simply never learn how she needed to behave here, in her new life.

Clearly having sensed my eyes on her, Briar looked up. Although, the moment her eyes met mine she looked straight back down to her plate again, a shy blush appearing on her cheeks. Her fingers were twiddling in her lap. I made her nervous. Very nervous.

I couldn't help myself but smirk at the sight.

"Here, try this."

I took a glass and passed it to her, she hesitantly took the drink after a short moment. She bought the beverage to her nose, sniffing it and furrowing her brows (clearly unfamiliar to such a scent).

"What is it?"

All of a sudden her timid whispers were forgotten, her voice sounding clear and a hell of a lot bolder too.

"Curious little thing, aren't we?"

I sighed, leaning back in my seat. I was just teasing though. I didn't mind her questions, not for now anyway. They were amusing. However we would have to see how long my patience towards her would last.

"It's like orange juice. You'll like it."

She nodded slowly before taking a sip of the drink. As soon as the flavour hit her tongue I could tell that she liked it from the way that her lips were fighting to hide a smile from me. She didn't want me to have the pleasure of seeing that I'd made her happy. I couldn't blame her for that but her attempt of covering it up was rather entertaining, I had to admit.

"Do you like it?"

She nodded meekly, her eyes fixed on her plate. I reached out, lightly clasping her jaw between my fingers so that I could force her to look at me.

"You answer me with words, yes?"


She swallowed, anxiety obviously was rippling through her. She had seen what I was capable of and what I had done in the past. I was not one to be ignored, Briar was smart. She knew that.

"I like the drink Theo."

She murmured quietly, her voice was barely audible but it was enough to please me.

"It's called a Mimosa."

She didn't need to know that the little drink I'd just given her was alcoholic. It would ruin the fun.

"I do not care what is going on! Get them to me this month, or I swear to God you will regret it."

My work was tedious, my days were currently spent yelling down the phone at incompetent imbeciles who were unable to do their jobs properly.

"Sir I cannot-"

I cut him off, not wanting to hear any more excuses for today.

"No, you can and you will. Or I will personally see to you, myself. Trust me, you do not want that"

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