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"Well, that went to plan... all things considered."

I watched as Briar turned away from the gate, beginning a slow trek back to me and her true home.

"Yes Sir."

Jona replied from his position at the office door before leaving, closing the door behind him.

His job now was to follow Sevina on her little escape route and then kill her on the spot. I had made my point, no need to torture Briar further than necessary by making her watch. No.... she'd live her life out here with me, believing that her friend had made it out- free and happy somewhere in the world.

I would do that for her, give her the mercy of believing her sacrifice had been worth it.

I didn't want to see her pain anymore. I'd had my fix.

This was her final lesson. And my sweet girl had passed. She knew her place, she knew she was mine and had willingly flown back to me- knowing what she would face upon return. Briar would still be punished of course. She did after all try and run from me, even if she realized her mistake and came running back. At least she was finally learning, I suppose.

From my window, I watched the beauty crawl back into my clutches. She would be right where she belonged, next to me forever. Of course she couldn't escape one final punishment. Everything was prepared down in the dungeons. One hour of pain, one week of starvation followed by one month of solitary confinement. 

That would be all that was needed to finally break Briar once and for all. Then she would be perfect.

It was about time we began a family of our own. Now that I knew Briar was truly mine, and she knew it too, we could finally begin our next stage in life.




Well it's been a wild ride but we are finally here! I could not be more happy with how this story turned out and I hope you have all enjoyed it too. 

IMPORTANT: Whilst I WILL be continuing writing, it will be under a DIFFERENT account. This is because I want to re-establish myself as an author with newer, darker and spicier content that I eventually hope to publish. I will announce this all on my Instagram in a few weeks so make sure you follow me there if you wish to follow me on this new journey! I am also holding a Q&A on Instagram right now to answer any questions you may have or be curious about!

I love you all and thank you for reading!



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