Chapter 28

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"You have to be one hundred percent in on this. Once we start, there's no going back. Do you understand Briar?"

I'd left Sevina to stew that night after I was quickly called back to Theo's bedroom. It was ten in the morning now, just after breakfast, so we didn't have long to get our plans straight.

"Yes. I understand."

The plan was smart, I'd give her that. The only issue being that Theo was smart too. He had his home locked down like a fortress at every hour of the day, only tonight he wouldn't. That's why it was so vital we did this tonight, afterwards it would become too messy when things went back to normal.

Today was a Friday. That meant that Theo would be in meetings practically all night, along with some of his guards- including Jona. They always went on until at least two in the morning, meaning Sevina and I could get out of bed without raising their suspicion. So that's exactly what the two of us would do at 1.20am, making sure we had everything we needed before heading downstairs together. The kitchen backdoor was always unlocked because that's how the staff got in and out during the night so all we'd have to do is distract the guard. That was the easy part.

The hard part was going to be climbing over the house gate to get to the cars but of course, Sevina had all that figured out too. She'd hidden two pairs of running shoes in the cupboards of the kitchen- just next to the door, so that neither of us had to complete the obstacle course of the century in our fuzzy slippers.

The plan was obviously risky. However I had two options. I could let Sevina escape on her own and then either have to watch Theo brutally butcher her OR live with the pain of knowing she'd escaped and I hadn't. But I could also try my chances and potentially be free forever. If I didn't try now I knew I'd die anyway, I couldn't live like this anymore. It was suffocating.

The day went on as usual. At one, Sevina and I headed downstairs for lunch where we served a delicious plate of fresh food. After that I had my exercise session in the gym which Theo had always insisted upon. As I ran on the treadmill I only had thoughts of our escape plan running through my head on repeat. The thoughts sprinted through my brain- thudding to the beat of my footsteps.

This would work

This would work

This had to work.

Seven came around quickly. That meant it was time for dinner with Theo, and I had never been so tense. I knew he'd pick up on my anxiety- he wasn't stupid. I just had to ensure that my back story was one he'd believe. In the last few days I had learnt that everything was about preparation when it came to Theo. I just had to think ahead in order to remain one step ahead of him at all times.

"Something is bothering you."

Well that took all of five seconds.

"I'm fine."

I needed to sound unconvincing. That way he'd pry and I'd be forced to tell the 'truth'. Only, my version of the 'truth' would cover up perfectly for what we really had planned for tonight.

"Come now Briar, you know that is not how this works. Tell me now."

I knew my stalling time was up when Theo's cutlery was placed down and his cold eyes drilled into mine with demand for answers.

"Fine. I was just thinking about how you gave me a friend, only to have her entire family brutally murdered in front of me before Sevina even had the chance to say goodbye."

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