┗━━━ Joshua - The Healing Place

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Joshua never thought he'd be spending his Thursday evening in a hospital waiting room.

He and his supernatural siblings very rarely ever needed to visit the medical building because, due to their 'unique abilities', they were able to heal themselves in minutes or hours, no matter the injury. The only time they would travel for the doctors, would be because of one of the human mates got severely hurt or ill and they needed professional medical attention. However, his pack weren't the reason behind his current location this time.

Joshua worked as a decorator, he decorated and/or fixed homes or buildings if the owners couldn't do it themselves. On this particular job, his work partner, Dohyung, was working on the rooftop of a two-story house as he was trying to clean the gutters but slipped on a wet leaf. The fall caused him to go unconscious and blood to drip slightly form his head, which had Joshua rushing him to the hospital, hoping nothing bad will follow if he was quick enough.

He called Seungcheol and told him he'd be late home because he was going to stay with Dohyung, seeing as all his family were currently out of town and not able to get back on such short notice.

It was high noon when Joshua bolted through the large glass doors of the large white building, but when he looked out of the window of the small room Dohyung had been put in, all he could see was the dark shadows of the large evergreen forest the hospital was bordering. If Joshua looked closely enough, he could make out all the wildlife that was roaming free in the pitch black autumn night.

After sitting in the stuffy room for the past few hours, Joshua needed to stretch his legs and get something to eat, the constant rumbling of his stomach confirming the latter.

He was coming back from the cafeteria, his head down in thought, when his eyes were pulled upwards, looking in the general direction a smell that had hit him.

The smell was so sweet, bees were be jealous; so calming, meditation was put to shame; and so beautiful, perfume no longer mattered.

The smell forced Joshua to come to a halt, making his eyes go wide and search around frantically for the source.

The wolf within him told him to look a little to the left and into the direction he was heading when his breathing hitched.

Everything around him slowed down as his eyes landed on Dami. The soft expression she wore on her face flaunted her youth. Her hair was styled neatly and was pulled out of her eyes, letting the man see every detail that adorned her face. The bright lighted bounced off her skin, exaggerating the skin tone that matched her so well. The scrubs she wore hugged her body comfortably, complementing her shape and made her look flawless. In her hands she held a clipboard, a few rings adorned her fingers, giving Joshua the urge to hold and kiss them softly.

Joshua couldn't bring himself to look away as time went back to normal and Dami started walking straight towards him. Panic arose within him and he started looking for a place to hide; he didn't want her first impression of him to be him in his work attire: which consistent of work khakis, a navy polo shirt (both of which had paint stains on them), messy hair and most likely smelling of bleach.

He must've taken too long to decide on a plan because the smell was getting stronger and more prominent until his head was spinning silently due to the power the scent held over him, he scrunched his eyes shut before opening them to see he was face to face with Dami.


Today had been a pretty calm for a hospital. A quiet a few blood tests here and there, a couple of x-rays and a few patient consultations. Not much.

As the day drew on, Dami's boredom levels grew higher and higher. It wasn't like she had nothing to do, it was just that there were usually big, exciting things happening. Although, she did enjoy when someone came rushing in with a broken arm or a knife hanging out of their palm because they weren't paying attention in the kitchen. She had to hand it to the citizens of Seoul for not getting into too much danger today, it'd given her a chance to sit down and rest her feet for the first time in a while.

But that rest didn't last for long when she watched a few doctors sprint towards the front entrance, a man was calling out for help. The voice of the man captured her attention completely. It sounded very oddly familiar, but she couldn't pin point where she could've heard it before.

More doctors on duty came running forwards, this time bringing a bed with them and a few seconds later Dami saw the same bed being ran back into the hospital, but this time carrying a body.

She walked up to one of the doctors and asked if her help was needed, they smile at her and told her they had everything under control and that it was only a minor injury. Dami nodded and walked into the staff break room.

On the way back from doing her hourly checkups, she spotted a relatively tall man talking to the doctor she had offered her help to. 'He must have brought the patient in.' She thought to herself.

The man was pretty good looking from what she could tell from standing at a weird angle behind him. He had dark, messy brown hair and his clothes were covered in paint. The tan on his arms told Dami that he spends long hours outside and the multicoloured stains said that he worked with paint.

Several hours later and one of the superior nurses asked Dami if she could check a patient and maybe fill him in with what was going on with them if he was awake, she agreed and headed to the room she was told.

Upon arrival, no one sat inside or outside the tiny room, 'They must be somewhere else' she though, recalling the man she may or may not had been checking out.

Dami walk into the room and found the patient asleep. She picked up his clipboard and read the information on it. The man only had a concussion and needed a few stitches on the back of his head, meaning he would have to stay the night to make sure nothing bad happened when he went to sleep later that evening. Dami continued reading the board and come across the emergency contacts section, there were the mandatory 3 names and their relation to the patient, but there were notes to all 3 saying that they were available to contact. There was a fourth name but no phone number, the relation only stated 'WORK COLLEAGUE'.

"The man from earlier must be the extra contact." She mumbled to herself.

Placing down the clipboard on the bed for a second, Dami looked over at all the machines the man was attached to and made sure they were all working and in pristine condition. Once nodding to herself as if to say they were all good, she picked up the board and walked out of the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

She made it her mission to find the man that she now knew was called Joshua Hong and get him to write down his phone number in case of an emergency. Luckily for her, she didn't have to look far because the man was standing down the hallway, frozen as he looked at her.

Becoming a little self conscious of his stares, Dami pushed her shoulder back and walked towards him. She watched as his eyes widened and he started to look around in a hurry. 'What on Earth is he doing?' She questioned mentally, finding the mans actions pretty amusing.

Dami finally reached him and was taken aback by his beauty that was now up close. His eyes reminded her of cats, his lips looked so full and soft, and his nose was one of the cutest she'd ever seen on a grown man. His attire someone didn't take away from his beauty and, if anything, made him seem a lot more masculine, especially when she took a quick peek at his arms.

They continued to stare at each other for a little while longer, a smile stained on Dami's face as his was just stuck in awe. She thought it was cute that he seemed really nervous, but she put it down to him being worried about his friend – no one really likes hearing what a doctor has to say about someones health.

Dami was taken out of her trance because she could have sworn she heard someone call out her name, she turned to see who it was but saw that her and Joshua were the only two people in the hallway. Remembering what she needed to speak to the man about, Dami turned back around but was met with no one. 

𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 ⤅ 𝗪𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗪𝗼𝗹𝗳 𝗔𝘂 ❌ABANDONED❌Where stories live. Discover now