┗━━━ 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝗼

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"______? Is that you?" Chan's groggy voice whispered out into the dark. He would still be asleep if it wasn't for you tripping over the umbrella that, for some reason, was balanced against the wall near the bedroom door.

"Yeah, it's me," you reply back in a whisper, feeling guilty for waking him up, "go back to sleep, I'll be there in a minute." You tip-toed over to the en suite and began your nightly routine. Being the perfectionist you are, you needed to do this or else you wouldn't be able to sleep properly, so this routine was vital and had to be done, not matter how tired you were.

Shutting off the light and quietly shutting the door, you make your way to the large bed that was situated in the middle of the far wall. Chan wasn't looking at you and had his eye shut softly, an evident sign that he was asleep.

Slowly crawling into bed, you realise just how cold you had been. The heat that generated from the covers, plus your supernatural boyfriend, lulled you straight into a deep sleep.

It must have been around 3 in the morning when you were awoken by a strong shiver. The heating had broke and you could see snow gracefully falling to the ground. As much as you loved seeing snow, you really didn't appreciate it disturbing your slumber with its icy-ness.

Pulling the covers up to your chin, you snuggle down further into the bed but nothing seems to be doing the job at warming you up.

The sudden snore of your boyfriend startled you at first, but gave you an idea.

Slowly, you sat up and softly patted the sleeping man beside you. It took you quite a while to wake him, and quite the added force with the "soft" pattings, but he did awake and glared at you from over his shoulder.

"It's 3 in the morning ______, what's so important that you need to wake me up?" Chan manoeuvred himself so that he was laying facing you, a yawn escaping from his lips. The gesture making you feel a bit guilty in waking him up, but you remember that what you were about to ask would benefit you both, so the guilt melted away as quickly as it came.

"I'm cold." You stated, pouting a bit whilst drawing small shapes on his bicep, a habit he's noticed you do when you want something from him but you're kind of embarrassed to ask.

Chan sighed, "you woke me up because you're cold?" He raised an eyebrow at you, "just take more of the covers then."

"But the covers are getting cold and making me even colder." You looked at him with your best puppy dog eyes, knowing it was no where near enough as good as his version -he does have an advantage though- but just hoping that it's enough to persuade the man.

The man sighed again, dragging a tired hand over his face before sitting up and balancing on one arm. "And what do you want me to do about that?" He asked, taking your hand gently.

"Can you transform?" You whispered, loud enough for Chan to hear, but to the human ear you said nothing.

Chan smiled softly. You're still a bit jumpy when it comes to him and his half human DNA; no matter how long you've known about it, you can just never seem to wrap your head around the fact that your boyfriend is part wolf.

"Can I what sorry?" Chan pretended like he didn't hear you what, despite literally being able to hear the people from 2 doors across snoring in unison. It was always fun for him to watch you get flustered.

"Can you transform for me please?" You whispered again, refusing to look at him. You could sense his smile as he pushed the covered off of him and jumped out of bed.

You looked up slowly just in time to see your boyfriend change to his other self, the image still terrifies you but you're getting more and more used to it the more it happens.

The bed dipped as the large brown wolf jumped on it. He dipped his head towards your pillow, as in telling you to lie down and het comfortable. You obeyed and pulled the covers up to your chin once again.

Once Chan saw you were comfortable, he softly laid half his torso onto of yours and placed his head into the crook of his neck. Your hands came up and tangled themselves in his warm fir.

The softness of his fur, mixed in with the warmth being radiated off the wolf, plus the steady thumping of his strong heart beat you could feel upon your chest sent you off to sleep for the second time that night. This time you stayed in your deep slumber until noon. Still in the position the both of you fell asleep in.

𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 ⤅ 𝗪𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗪𝗼𝗹𝗳 𝗔𝘂 ❌ABANDONED❌Where stories live. Discover now