┗━━━ Jun - A Little Bit Personal

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The sweet smell of vanilla hit Jade as she stepped over the threshold of the building. Of all places to find her mate, why did it have to be at her new job?

The building's entrance hall was large and covered form ceiling to floor in pristine white tiles, the morning sun shone so bright behind Jade that the tiles had the rays reflecting into her eyes, making her squint slightly as she walked towards the front desk.

She tried not to think too hard about what she'd just discovered, trying to maintain professional as it was her first day on the job.

She came face to face with the reception lady who looked to be around her mid 20s to early 30s, a few years shy of Jade. Her black hair was slicked back into a tight ponytail that sat on the crown of her head. She wore minimal makeup -just concealer, a red lip and striking black eyeliner- and her clothes added to her look. Her entire aura screamed 'professional'.

"Hey, I'm Jade Yoo, I have an appointment with the CEO about me starting today." Jade informed in a calm voice, hoping not to give away to the strict lady that she was a tad bit nervous.

The receptionist looked down at her screen before tapping her perfectly manicured nails against the keys on the black keyboard that sat in front of her.

"The CEO is busy right now, so the Head of Department will be talking to you and taking you on the tour," even her voice was sharp and a little too forward for 8:30 am on a Monday morning, "take a left then go up two floors, the first door on your right should be the Head's office." She held out a bony arm towards a hallway to the right of them. Jade nodded and thanked her quietly before beginning her trek.

As she ventured further and further into the building, the vanilla smell grew stronger, especially when ascending up the staircase. Jade forced herself to ignore the scent and smile as two other workers passed her on the stairs, returning her friendly gesture.

Jade arrived at the Head of Department's office in no time. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door three times.

"Come in!" She heard a muffled call, she placed her hand on the circular door knob and turned it as she pushed the door open.

Upon first glance, Jade was greeted by a man dressed in a navy pinstriped suit. His hair was soft and seemed to bounce as he walked towards her. Despite knowing instantly that he was not her mate, Jade had to admit that he was very good looking. His had a small and angelic face that held a gorgeous smile that was directed her way.

"Hello, I'm Jeonghan," he held his hand out to shake, Jade took it and smiled at him in greeting.

"I'm Jade Yoo, I was told that the CEO was busy and you were going to be doing my welcoming?"

"Yes, Jun's just been a little bit busy since we opened a branch over in China, but I'm sure he'd love to be here to greet the newest arrival."

The way Jeonghan said 'arrival' gave Jade the feeling that he knew what she was. She smelt it on him as soon as she stepped through the door way, so he must've obviously smelt her too.

The next hour and a half consisted of Jeonghan informing Jade about what she would be doing in a lot greater detail to what the application said and giving her a few heads up and tips about how to get along with everyone who worked there.

Jade listened tentatively and made sure every word he said stayed locked within her mind, not wanting to mess up any time soon.

The next thing that was scheduled to happen was a building tour, but to save time, Jeonghan only showed Jade around the places she would actually be going, finding there no point in showing her the basement of the building when she worked on the top floor.

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