┗━━━ Mingyu - Let's Go To The Beach

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Down by the Songdo Beach in Busan, a mixed group of young adults ventured towards the sand and sea from the closest car park. Loud laughter and chatting could be heard from said group, but no one minded - seeing as the beach was deserted.

Each person carried something of their own, whether it be an umbrella, a blanket, a boom box or a picnic basket; no one's hands were empty.

When the group made it to the spot they'd chosen, they were all quick to drop their belongings, shed their clothing and run towards the ocean.

They spent hours in the sea, splashing, swimming and soaking each other until one called out to the rest.

"Guys, we've been swimming for a while, let's grab some lunch and we can come back in later." Seungcheol spoke, instantly grabbing the attention of the group. A few groans and moans were heard but everyone ultimately made their way back to the unorganised pile of their things.

Mingyu, being the packs designated chef, looked through the picnic basket Ryujin was previously carrying and started to hand out the named sandwiches he had made the night prior.

The group ate in mostly silence, thanks were given to Mingyu and the occasional small talk was said, but other than that, the only sound that traveled across the beach was the sound of cars, the breeze and the sea.

Until the peacefulness was interrupted by a group of girls coming from the same direction the pack had previously come from. The wolves had heard them before the humans but paid no mind.

Well, all except one wolf.

Mingyu's eyes had been drawn away from his sandwich and towards one of the girls in the new group. She'd caught his eye in more ways than one: her looks made him stare at her for more than deemed necessary, her laugh made his heart beat faster in his chest, and her scent...it made him want to get up and just scream and cry out of happiness.

After watching her for a few more seconds with his mouth ajar, his weird behaviour caught the eyes of Chynna who hit his shoulder slightly, "close your mouth before you catch flies."

Her talking caught the attention of a few other members but the topic wasn't interesting enough to keep the attention, what Mingyu said next, however, brought their -and the rest of the groups'- attention back.

"I can't, she's perfect." There was a dreamy look on his face, his mouth was curled in a love struck smile whilst his eyes were starting to glimmer a shade of blue.

"Who?" Chan asked from next to Mingyu, looking around to see this mystery girl. His eyes landed on the other group now not too far from them and smirked before looking back to his hyung, "has the almighty Mingyu got a crush?" He joked.

"Not a crush...she's the real thing." This caused the group to all look over at the group of girls and try to figure out which one Mingyu was talking about, there were 7 in total, so their guess was as good as each other's.

"Wait a minute..." Garam said, squinting and moving slightly forwards towards the group, "I think I recognise them."

"Yeah me too," Ryujin piped in, a confused look on her face, "I swear they're the Hidden Story members."

"Who?" Jeonghan asked, not looking up from his sandwich, it was obvious he didn't care, he just wanted to be involved somehow.

With a role of her eyes, Ryujin turned to face him and replied, "the rookie group we were watching on Music Show the other day, you said you liked their song."

"Can't remember." Jeonghan shrugged his shoulders as Chaeyoung laughed quietly from beside him. Ryujin huffed and tried to get Jeonghan to remember the girlgroup whilst Garam sighed and turned back to face the girl group.

They had placed their things down and had started a game of volleyball, playing 3-on-3 with the girl Mingyu was ogling as the referee.

Mingyu had blocked out all the noise his pack were making and just focused on the girl a few hundred years ahead of him. His heart lept into his throat when she turned around and made eye contact with him. She smiled, winked and turned back to her friends.

Mingyu's feet suddenly had a mind of their own and he was up and walking towards the girl before he was able to place down his sandwich. He started a steady pace, determined to get to the girl before he chickened out and ruined his chance at love.

The scent radiating off her was intoxicating and kept Mingyu moving forwards. He saw her head quirk in his direction and knew that she knew he was coming closer. He watched her take a deep breath and then turn to face him.

By the time the two made eye contact, they were chest to chest and both out of breath.
After getting word that their promotions had finalised, the members of rookie group, Mystic Story, had planned a day out at the beach for relaxation. They were in Busan doing promo so they thought they'd take the chance to do some sightseeing in the city. It wasn't everyday the group was given time to themselves, so when the opportunity was given, the took it.

The day was amazing: the sun was shining, the sky was blue and the beach was empty - save the large group who were there before them, but they were sat quite a bit away from the girls so they wouldn't be a problem.

As the smaller group walked down the sand towards the seafront, Nako -the groups vocalist, maknae and token werewolf- took notice of how sweet the air smelt, especially when she directed her attention to the larger group.

Then she saw him, well, the back of his head, but she knew who he was, call it a Wolves Intuition.

She wanted to drop her things and run over to introduce herself, but she knew it'd look weird to her human group members. She could tell that the majority of the larger group were werewolves and the women with them were most likely their mates.

She looked straight ahead when she saw her mate turning his head towards her, not wanting to indicate eye contact so soon. From her peripheral vision, she watched him stop halfway through a bite of his sandwich, the sight made her want to laugh but she knew it'd just draw attention so she kept her eyes forwards.

She could hear her mates' group talking to one another -she could've sworn they mentioned Hidden Story- she giggled internally as she watched one of the girls cuss out an unbothered man.

The girl group placed their things in an organised manner and decided they wanted to play a game of volleyball, knowing that she'd be at an advantage against the rest, Nako volunteered to referee.

It wasn't all bad in Nako's eyes, sure, she wouldn't be playing and letting out her energy, but this way she could keep her eyes out for a certain other werewolf if he decided to try anything.

Deciding that she wanted just one more look at her mate, she turned around slightly and connected eyes with him straight away. A sudden urge of confidence shot through her and she decided it would be a good idea to smile and wink at the poor man.

As soon as she did, she turned back around straight away. She could feel her face growing red and cringed internally at her actions. She'd never been so embarrassed before, she was just glad no one else apart from him saw her do it.

A few seconds after she had turned away from her mate, Nako heard the sound of sand being crushed and walked on, she didn't need to turn around to see who it was because the intoxicating scent she'd been able to smell for the past few minutes grew stronger and stronger with each step.

She desperately wanted to turn around, and nearly did so, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Truthfully, she was scared. She'd heard tales of tragedy that came along with finding ones mate and the possibility that it may not live up to her expectations, the thought terrified her.

But, Nako knew she'd regret not taking the chance whilst it was in front of her, so, she took in a deep breath and quickly turned around, coming chest to chest with her mate.

The both of them let out a breath and smiled softly at one another.

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