┗━━━ 𝐒.𝐂𝗼𝐮𝐩𝐬

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• Seungcheol doesn't have a job that keeps him away from home for many months of the year, unlike you.

• So when you are home, he spends as much time as physically possible just cuddling up to you and expressing his admiration for his one and only.

• This time was no different, he spots you sitting comfortably on your couch, a blanket draped over you, your laptop on your lap and a mug of hot chocolate in your hands.

• You had just come back from your second world tour this year and you were practically drained of any energy. But the musician in you never sleeps, you were currently writing down lyric and melody ideas that came to your head as you were thinking about how lovely and refreshing it was to be at home, finally with your partner.

• Seungcheol could tell you were cold, not by the excessive amount of heat you were trying to create though.

• He was cold, and although he may not be covered in fur whilst in his human form, he still doesn't get cold easily.

• So if he was cold, you were definitely freezing.

• Never one to miss an opportunity to snuggle, Seungcheol practically jumped across the room, took the laptop and drink away from too, transformed and sprawled out across your lap.

• It took you a few seconds to figure out what had just happened - the thought of your boyfriend being part-canine left your mind sometimes, so when you just see a large wolf waltz into a room, you just about save yourself from dying of a heart attack.

• Once the thought that your boyfriend was draped along you, you rested your hands on top of his head and started softly stroking the fur.

• How he keeps his fur nice and soft when all he does is roll around in the is beyond you, but you don't question it.

• You don't question a lot of things about Seungcheol - many things about him are bizarre, so you just sit right and watch form afar, loving how natural your boyfriend is is any environment.

• You move your hands away from his head and done to his side, a small protest of whine was heard from the wolf.

• Laughing slightly, you reassure your puppy of a boyfriend that you were still here and not going anywhere (not that you'd physically be able to with how much heavier Cheol is in his wolf form.)

• The fur on his back and sides are just about long enough to braid, so you do, making lots of tiny little braids and quietly giggling over how cute they look.

• The two of you just sit there for hours, basking in each other's heat.

• The two of you had fallen asleep at some point, too tired to tell the other to start making their way to your shared bedroom.

• Seungcheol wakes up at around 3 am due to the ache in his stomach. He looks down to find that it's your knees that are digging into his pelvis.

• He must have moved during his sleep and found himself being in-paled by you.

• In an attempt to move and get comfy once again, Seungcheol looks up to you and sees you sleeping.

• Even though his face is covered in fur and a long snout adorned where his nose should be, the unmistakable look of love is clearly evident.

• Seungcheol loves to watch you sleep, he loves watching you be calm and relaxed, especially since you barely get any rests.

• Deciding that he didn't have the heart to awaken you from your slumber, Seungcheol transforms back into his human shape and very carefully carries your to the bed.

• The house is still freezing as he watched goosebumps appear on your soft skin when he lighted himself off you.

• He gently placed you in bed and tucked you before getting in himself, however, he once again changed back to his wolf and lay across you, in hopes to get you warmer again.

• Seungcheol loves moments like this: moments when you'll just cuddle until you sleep and then wake up the next day in each other's arms, both confused as to why they're not in bed.

• He would give up the world to do this forever with you, and fortunately, he will.

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