Chapter 2

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( Third pov )

Rex had been training for a full week for the academy, he had been practicing his chakra control by meditating * few hours had passed * Rex then got up from meditating as he walked back to town he got a few dirty looks as always as he walked to the library it was the one place where he was not hated, it was nice an quiet not only that the librarian was nice to him " How may I help you today Rex " said the librarian, " I can I get a few books on chakra pleas" said Rex, as the librarian handed him some books, then Rex had left to go home but he new it would not be easy. Once he got to the more populated areas he then heard some one say " HEY THERES THE DEMON " he turned around but they were not chasing him they were chasing a small blond boy with 3 whiskers on each cheek Rex then had thoughts ' there treating him the same way they treated me, I'm going to help him' Rex thought as he ran next to the boy and grabed his wrist " H-Hey" the blond said " It's okay I'm going to help you " Rex said as he used his chakra to run faster * a few minutes later *. Soon they had reached Rex apartment they were being chased put the stairs as Rex was out of breath and so were the people who were chasing them then one of the yelled " stop running you stupid ( huff ) demons " one of them yelled Rex was angered by this as he had finally had enough.

" SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU STUPID VILLIGERS! " Rex yelled as it had came out in a demonic voices as he had released a large amount of killer intent the villagers look in awe as they started to step away as is then turned into a run, Rex was breathing heavily c-come one lets go Rex said as the blond boy had walked next to him as they had reached Rex apartment door as he had opened it as they both walked in Rex shut the door behind the blond and locked it. Rex felt like he was going to explode or pass out " Are you okay " Rex asked the blond " Yes I'm fine, I should be asking you that ya know you look like your going to pass out " the blond said " Don't worry about me " said Rex in a small broken tone " Thanks for helping me by the way, the names Naruto Uzumaki what about you" said Naruto in a happy go lucky tone " Rex Hyoku " he replied " Why did you help me " Naruto asked " Because me and you are alike " said Rex " Really how " Naruto said " We are both hatted by the village, so tell me why do they hate you" Rex asked, Naruto had been a bit shocked that there was someone like him " Well... um um" Naruto said stuttering ' What if he thinks I'm a monster' Naruto thought , ' Its fine kit I can tell he not lying about him being hate by the villagers ' ' Okay Kurama I trust you' Naruto thought. " They hate me because I have the nine tails sealed inside me" Naruto said finally, Rex just nodded " Do you mind if I ask something? " Naruto said " ask away" Rex replied " Why do they hate you" asked Naruto, Rex just sighed " If tell you if you promise not to tell anyone " Rex said, Naruto nodded, Rex then let out his two pairs of ears and one tail, Naruto looked in awe as he move towards Rex to touch his ears to see if they are real but Rex had moved out of the way, Naruto gave him questioned look," Are they really real" Naruto asked, Rex just nodded Naruto tried to touch his tail this time but Rex grabbed his hand before he could " Stop please " Rex asked, Naruto only pouted wanting to touch his ears and tail Rex just sighed and sat next to Naruto and grabbed his hand " huh? " Naruto looked as Rex put his hand on one of his wolf ears, " Ask next time " Rex said with a bit of defeat in his voices. As Naruto touched Rex ears, " There so soft " Naruto said, Rex just sighed.

Rex just looked out the window and saw that it was getting dark " okay it's time you get home " Rex said as he looked at Naruto as he frowned " look I'll walk you home okay" Rex said as the blond smiled at him, before they left rex hid his ears and tail before they left. As they walked to Naruto house's they got from a few people mostly Naruto but Rex only got a few because not a lot people knew about his animal features they were walking Rex saw to kids their age following them once they got to Naruto's house Rex then called out " GIVE IT UP I KNOW YOUR THERE!" the kids then walked out " How did you know we were following you guys" the kid said "You suck a not being suspicious" Rex replied, " still that does not explain my question " the same kid asked, " I saw you following us" Rex said " Well you can leave we are only here for him " the kid said pointing a Naruto, Rex saw Naruto shaking hope Rex would not leave him to be beaten by these kids, " I don't think I will" Rex said with a bit of anger " okay then you will a beaten with him " The kid said " GET THEM!" the same kid who had seem to be the ring leader yelled two kids rushed towards Rex as Rex rushed forwards as well as he took them out with eases " Well seems ill have to take you out myself" the leader of the group said as he pulled out a kunai, Rex did the same no backing down they rushed toward each other. Rex then through his kunai in the air as a distraction as it spun in the air the kid looked at it only to be kneed in the face as he fell back, Rex then grabbed him by his shirt as he punched the kid over and over again until the kid had a blood nose, Rex the Drop him " NOW SCRAM!!" Rex yelled. The three kids ran away in fear of what might happen next if they did not leave. A few minutes after Naruto and Rex went into Naruto's apartment " Hey Naruto" Rex said , " Yes " Naruto replied, " are you going to the academy" Rex asked, Naruto nodded " Well okay see you there " Rex said as he left giving Naruto a smile

( The Day the Academy starts )

Rex Pov-

There were a lot of people there I was a bit nervous not gonna lie but I calmed down when I saw Naruto enter through the gate I walked up to him and greeted him " Hey sup" I said as Naruto gave me a foxy grin " Hey Rex" he said greeting me back "Ready for class" I asked him he nodded as we both smiled at each other. We all sat down as we were introduced to our sensei as he called himself Iruka I slept throughout the whole class he taught because I had already study and mastered it.

It was no lunch time, Me and Naruto sat next to a tree to eat our lunch I had chicken and rice while he had ramen it then came around time to go back to class as Iruka wanted us to follow him as He brought us to what seemed to be some sort of circle " You will all spar against each other so we can test who will be top at taijutsu" Rex heard Iruka say Rex smirk when he heard him say spar. Iruka called a few kids before he called Naruto Uzamaki vs Rex Hyoku

The two stared at each other as the held up the battle sign As the two rushed at each other Rex did not use all his power but he gave up not wanting to fight his friend " Why are you giving up " Naruto aske, " I don't like fighting a friend unless needed" Rex replied A few people were put back by this as Rex just looked at Naruto as he held out the unison sign has Naruto did the same.

Third Pov-

After the academy ended Rex and Naruto walked home as Rex dropped Naruto off At hi place as he walked back to his and decided to take a shower and get in pajamas and go to sleep.

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