Chapter 5

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Third Pov

Rex, Ashley, and Issa walked to Rex apartment, Rex was a bit annoyed that Anko had been the cause but he soon gave in to it as they were walking Ashley had asked " So Rex what is your family like? " this made Rex go quiet  but he just ignored it. They had finally made their way to Rex apartment Rex had unlocked the door and walked in " Huh? Rex where are your parents " Issa asked, Rex ignored this again " Hey I asked you a question " Issa said as he put his hand on Rex shoulder " What " Rex said, " Where's your family " Issa said again, " There dead" Is all Rex said as the room went silent " Then why would you say that if you say you love your family if their dead" Ashley asked " Simple, because rather they are dead or not I will always love my family" Rex said as he walked over to the picture of his family and looked at it. " now if you could kindly leave that would be great " Rex said, they complied and left closing the door behind them. Rex had fallen to the floor on his knees crying as he screamed in anger as he punched the floor as he started to have memories of his life before now " WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!!!!" Rex screamed in pain and anger. After that he just went to bed knowing he had a mission tomorrow as he had been even more depressed now knowing there was nothing he could do but hate his brothers.

Rex Pov 

I woke up in a bit of a depressed mood the normal I just got dressed and went to where Anko asked us to meet her which was at the Hokage office I just hoped roof top to roof top there as I had finally gotten their I sighed not happy about what happened yesterday as I landed next to my team " Well you got her quick" Anko said as I landed, soon enough the other two arrived when they saw me Ashley had a worried look while Issa had a sympathetic look but Ignored it Anko then whisper to them " I take it that it did not go well" but I heard due to my wolf hearing but I ignored it we then walked into the Hokage office I gave a small wave to Hiruzen as he gave us a mission to catch Tora or other wise known as the demon cat.

Third Pov

Team 11 had finally found Tora well more of Rex found Tora as they had scattered out through the village to find her and Rex had finally found her he soon waited for Tora to fall asleep and eventually she did and he jumped down and picked her up but he fell for her trap as she then started to try to scratch him but Rex let out his ears and tail to speak to Tora " HEY STOP! " Rex yelled, " Why should I " Tora said, " Because if you do I'll help you by telling your owner to stop smothering you " Rex said, " Wait you can do that and wait HOW CAN YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!" Tora said in surprise " Im part wolf Tora " Rex said " Oh " Tora replied as she jump on his head, " I DID NOT KNOW YOU WHERE A DOG!" Tora and Rex heard as they turned to see Ashley as Rex began to worry " W-what are you talking about " Rex said trying to play stupid " Don't try playing stupid Rex " Ashley said smirking, " Im not " Rex said in a panicked voices, " Oh really then you wont mind if I do this " Ashley said as she disappeared and reappeared behind Rex as she grabbed his tail and pulled it " OW! : Rex Yelled as he fell on hit butt " Okay okay they are real " Rex said giving up, " I thought so " Ashley said smiling, " so how long have you had these " Ashley asked, " My whole life " Rex replied as he hid them once more, " Well we should bring Tora back " Rex said " Yeah we should " Ashley replied " Oh and please don't tell anyone please " Rex asked, " Sure you secret is safe with me " Ashley said. They soon made their way back to the Hokage office was which is where Issa and Anko had seemed to be " So you finally found him " Issa said in a bored tone " And you found Tora " Anko said, They reported Tora back to her owner as she was about to smother Tora " Um ma'am " Rex said, " Oh yes dear " The women replied, " Try not to smother Tora that is why she keeps running away " Rex said in a polite tone " Oh thank you dear for telling me " The women thanked Rex. " So that's why Tora kept running away Huh? " Anko asked, " Yup " Rex said " Well Im heading home " Rex said as He used the body flicker to teleport home. He sighed as he fell down on his bed " What a day well at least it was better then yesterday" Rex thought as he slowly fell asleep. 

Rex pov

"Huh? Back here again well better visit curse" I thought as I made my way to his cage " Well well well come to visit me again have we " Curse said, " Well go nothing better to do so why not any way why did you say you were my curse anyway " Rex asked, " simple because that is what we cursed beings are called we have the ability's to take down even gods that is why I was sealed in you for a better future to give you power when the time has come " Curse replied, " Hm I see well ima head to sleep " Rex said as curse just gave a hm. 

A/N: Hope you guys like reading this chapter byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.             

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