Chapter 3

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Rex Pov

It was the day after graduation Naruto told me everything about what happened with Mizuki. I was walking to the academy as I saw Ino and Sakura racing each other but I easily passed them as they just stared at me as they ran to my side as they ask me " Witch one of us was fast" I simply replied saying " Me " they looked at me in anger as I new that look they mainly gave Naruto when they were mad at him I decided not to deal with the two as I chose to jump roof top to roof top as the two of them followed me but I soon lost them proving that im faster then both of them considering even with the weights I had on they could not catch up to me.

Once I got to the academy I saw Naruto sitting next to Sasuke I chose to sit next to them even though Sasuke had his annoying fan girls near I just ignored them but minutes later I hear yelling I turn to see Sakura and Ino in the door way I chuckled  but when the two finally got in Sakura ran over to where I was sitting and said " MOVE REX AND NARUTO I WANNA SIT NEXT TO SASUKE!!" she said, I covered my ears but it did not matter because of my wolf ears could still here her " No both of us were here first" I said with a bit of annoyance in my voice she replied with a I don't care then I glared at her then she back off not only. Shortly after Naruto was on the desk in front of Sasuke crouching staring at him annoyed at why most of them loved Sasuke but that shortly ended when the guy infront of us bumped Naruto into Sasuke causing them to kiss " I ship it" I said before bursting out laughing but my laughter turned into anger the moment the girls tried to beat up Naruto but before they could I cached Sakuras fist before it could make contact with Naruto's faces she tried to pull her hand back but could not.

No ones Pov

Sakura was trying to pull her hand back but Rex would not let go Rex look up at Sakura with the white part of his eye black while his pupil red " If you try to hurt Naruto It won't end well for you GOT IT!" Rex said with anger in his voice, Sakura just nodded in fear as Rex eyes turn back to normal. Naruto and Rex took their seats as Iruka walked in and said " welcome back today you will be put into teams of three Rex saw Naruto frown " Hey what's wrong" Rex asked, " Oh its just what happens when were not on the same team" Naruto said with a hint of sadness " Hm well I don't really know" Rex said, " Okay ill be calling your teams" Iruka said. A few minutes after Iruka had called a few teams " Team 7 Naruto Uzamaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka said, as Naruto frowned knowing his friend would not be on his team " Next is team 11 Rex Hyoku, Ashly Matahashi, Issa Shinagaki, you will wait till your team leaders have arrived" Iruka said as he walked out.

One by one everyone left with their sensei's until it was just team 11 and 7 " WHERE ARE OUR SENSEI'S!" Naruto yelled, " Yeah I know right you think our sensei's would be time" Sakura said. While on the others side of the room Rex sat 3 seats down from his other 2 team mates " Why do you think he sitting far away from us" Ashley asked Issa, " I don't know really" Issa replied. Rex closed his eyes ready to take a nap to pass the time but Naruto then got up and decided to put an eraser at the top of the door while it was in between the wall and the door " what are you doing" Rex asked in a lazy  tone " I'm pranking our sensei for being late" Naruto said, Rex just hummed in response " Like our sensei will fall for that their and elite jonin " Sasuke finally chose to speak, " So you finally choose to speak after a full hour " Rex said, Sasuke had just glared at him Then the door opened showing white hair as the eraser had hit whoever it was, a few people had just deadpanned at what happened Rex just chuckled a tiny bit at his friends actions while Naruto had just burst into laughter as someone else had walked it was a women wearing a trench coat with purple hair " My first impression of you is. Your all stupid" The white haired man said, a few of them had tick marks on their heads while the women introduced herself as Anko as the students of team 7 and 11 stood up " Meet us on the roof " both Anko and the white haired man said as they disappeared, a few of them just sweat dropped while Rex put his hand on Naruto's shoulder as he held up the tiger seal as they started to disappeared as the rest stared in shock.

Rex pov 

I put my hand on Naruto's shoulder as I used the body flicker jutsu as we appeared on the roof " WHAA! How did you do that" Naruto yelled in surprise as I looked over to see both sensei's looking at me in shock " How did you learn that it's a C rank jutsu " The white haired man said " Wow this kid is full of surprises " Anko had said, " Sorry I'm not telling" I replied. After a few minutes had passed as the others had finally made their way up as they stair at us in shock " how did you get here before us " Ashley said in surprise " That's not your concern " is all I said as  she glared at me. " Okay now onto introductions " The white hair man said, " How about you go first sensei plus we don't even know your name " Sakura asked, " Hm okay my name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes I'm not telling you that and my hates I'm not telling you that either " Kakashi said, I chuckled a bit at how he introduced himself. " Okay I'll choose you wolf boy" Anko said as she pointed at me I sighed at the nick name she gave me " My name is Rex Hyoku, My likes are my friend Naruto my family and a few other things, My hates are people who don't know the difference between a demon and a human and the two other things I hate don't concern any of you" they all looked at Rex with blank faces. " Okay you " Kakashi said pointing at Sakura, she had basically had blushed and squirmed the whole time while looking at Sasuke I rolled my eyes at the sight but the one thing that I did not like was that she hated Naruto and her reasons were stupid to me and I almost feel sorry for Naruto at the fact that he likes her but then their was Sasuke he went on about how he wanted to kill a certain person and how he did not like or hate anything, then there was Naruto I knew what he was going to say he wanted to be the leader of the village so they would see him as someone I smirked at his dream but I only had one down side about it not many know this but I don't exactly like the Hokage's many probably wonder why up to 3 of them had made bad decisions but lord 3rd I don't hate as much as the others because he at least tried to prevent the hatred of other while the other 2 practically increased it but anyway, Ashley and Issa wanted to become great ninja I don't care to explain their likes or dislikes but I was listening but I was cut from my thoughts when Naruto tugged on my sleeve " Huh? What is it " I asked a bit daze " Well they we want to know your goal" Naruto said " Yeah what is it anyway" Sakura said " Hmm, Well I don't really know " I replied, " Wow we expected you to have a goal out of all people " Issa said, " Well if your a broken soul You don't really know what your goal is until you have reached close to the end of your journey " I replied, They all stared shocked at me.

Third Pov

They all stared shock at what the young wolf had said but Kakashi gladly broke the silence " Well team 7 meet me at training ground 7 tomorrow at 5:00 and don't eat anything or you will throw up" Kakashi said " YES SENSEI" they students of Kakashi said, " And team 11 meet me at training ground 11 and make sure you eat I wanna face you at full power for tomorrow" Anko said " YES SENSEI " Issa and Ashley said, they looked to see Rex was gone " Wait where did he go " Ashley said in shock at Rex's sudden disappearance. We then see Rex in his home looking at a photo of his family with tears in his eyes in the picture we see a young Rex and 4 other people two of them wore mask but they looked only a bit older then Rex in the picture Rex had a bright smile on his faces but Rex quickly put the picture away and went to bed.

A/N: Hey guys Hope you like it next chapter will be on the training which if you have watched Naruto the show you know what it is but if you don't then you will find out in the next chapter but if you can't wait then watch the show any way

                                                                                                                                                                   Rex out bye.

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