Chapter 9

11 1 0

Third Pov

There stood Rex and Orochimaru one of the legendary sanin face to face " Wait Rex, Orochimaru the third member of the legendary sanin is your UNCLE! " Ashley said yelling the last part in shock " Sadly yes and this is the one thing that I would like to keep secret and I mean it you two " Rex said as he jumped from the branch the he was on and threw a chained dagger at Orochimaru only for him to dodge and send a snake at him only for it to get cut in half by the other dagger in Rex hand, as Rex landed on the branch he was kicked into the trees trunk, " REX! " Ashley yelled as she got up and was about to jump to Rex aid " No stay where you at " Rex said with a stern tone, Ashley did as told and stayed put Rex then played out his attack as he used the blades as a long range as he swung both while holding on to the end of the chain that the blades where attached to, Orochimaru kept dodging while planning his own attack he grabbed one of the blades as he used it to blocked the one the was about to hit his head and he then grabbed the blade he had blocked, Rex tried pulling the blades back but failed as he was pulled towards Orochimaru as he was then kicked in the gut making him let go of the chains and hitting the tree hard as he fell to the ground " REX! " both Issa and Ashley said as they jumped down to help Rex but where stopped when Orochimaru had two snakes wrap around them both as he jumped down to where Rex had fell

When Orochimaru had got down to the ground he found Rex struggling to get up but he was able to keep his own, Orochimarus neck the grew long as it darted towards Rex as he then Bit Rex on the neck leaving a strange mark on Rex neck as he fell to the ground screaming in pain " Hope you like the curse mark as a gift nephew " Orochimaru said as he then burst into snakes as he was now no where to be seen as Rex had passed out from the pain showing his wolf features.

Issa and Ashley had been freed from the two snakes grip as they jumped down to go help Rex as he was passed out, " Look at his neck " Ashley said pointing out as mark with three tomoe on Rex neck they then went to pick him up and the moment they lifted him up they noticed that he was running a fever. They had found a place to rest as Issa and Ashley took turns keeping a watch out just incase they where ambushed. 

(Rex curse mark)

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(Rex curse mark)

Ashley Pov

We were in a tough spot Rex was past out and left with some weird mark on his neck the worse part of it was that he had a very bad fever we used a cold rag and put it on his head but after a few seconds the rag would become super hot showing how bad his fever was, it has been a few minutes and we are still at the same place we had been but things soon got worse as two ninja wearing sound head bands appeared one a girl the other a boy, they both wore leopard pants while the male ninja was covered in bandages with a gauntlet on on his arm with the girl wore a purple top as she had a smug look on her face the other person I could not tell because his face was covered in bandages, Issa and I were on our on our guard " We want to fight Rex " the boy in the bandages said " Well sorry that's not happening ' I said, " Well that's to bad and there's nothing you can do about it " the boy said again.

Issa and I took our fighting stances as we ran towards them me throwing kunai and Issa using his shadow demons but we were stopped by the girl when she threw two senbon as the went passed our heads " HA! that all you- " I was cut off by a pained ringing in my head as I crabbed hold of it screaming as Issa did the same as we both fell to the ground in pain

Third pov

Issa and Ashley were on the ground holding their heads in pain as the three sound ninja walked to where Rex lay knocked out but before the sound ninja could take another step Ashley grabbed on to the male ninjas leg hoping to hold them off but she was picked up and thrown into a tree " You think you can stop us with the way you are now yeah right HA! Pitiful " the male ninja said walking over kicking Ashley into the gut until she coughed up blood as he then made his way to Rex

Rex was standing in anger as he watched his friends being hurt as he thought they were going to be killed " HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE " Rex yelled at Curse angry " Well at this point you might die from the curse mark " Curse said, " Well is there any thing you can do " Rex said looking down sad and angry that he might loose his friends " Yes I can but it may take a bit " Curse said as Rex nod getting more angry and angry as Curse chakra started to seep into Rex as a purple cloak surrounded Rex taking the form of a wolf as he opened his eye to reveal his eyes to have to slits that mad a cross sign  as the color of his eyes where now a blood red. Rex then woke back up in the real world with black markings across his body and the purple cloak around him as he jumped up and took a different stances the his original fighting stance he would do he was down low as he gave a demonic growl " This is the power of the cursed beings " Rex said glaring at the sound ninja as he let out a large amount of blood lust as he rushed towards the sound ninja as he kneed the male ninja in the face causing him to fly into a tree the female ninja rushed towards Rex but he grabbed her by the throat and threw her as he used his speed to disappear and reappear behind her as he kicked her upwards as he appear above her and axe kicked her into the ground.

When Rex landed on the ground he let out a demonic roar into the air            

( stop at 0:04)

As Rex roar into the air the purple chakra cloak faded as he fell down on to his knees " REX! " both Issa and Ashley yelled running over to him hugging him " Hey easy " Rex said as they let go as they all got up, once they got up Rex then started to walk away but fell to one knee holding his kneck "Stupid curse mark " Rex said getting back up as team 11 continued the exam to get to the tower and they made sure that they where able to get there as soon as possible. The whole team was panting out of breath due to having been tree hopping the whole way with all the speed they had as they kept going. 

They soon made it to the tower as Rex had passed out from exhaustion. 

Rex pov 

I woke up in a bed as I looked around the room to see Ashley sleeping on the other bed in the room while Issa slept on the couch that was next to the door I got up and went into the bath room as I let out my ears and tail as I felt more better not having to hide my true self right now as I chose to take a shower to get clean considering I was covered in cuts and also dirt. After I had taken a shower I walked out of the room as I continued to walk threw the tower as I walked into a large room that looked what I presume to be where the next test is being held " Ah Rex my boy " I turned to to see Hiruzen  the third Hokage " Oh hey lord third " I said, " So what brings you out here " He asked me " Just in deep thought of what might happened and I might as well tell you now I encountered him " Rex said as Hiruzen nodded as he now had a serous look on his face as I started to walk out of the room to leave him to his thoughts as I made my way to  team 11's room to sleep considering it was now night time as I walked in I saw a very angry Ashley and Issa staring at me " YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO MISTER! " Ashley yelled.

Hope you guys like it btw if you want to have an Oc in the story message me and send me your character information and what the can do and some back story I'll only be taking a few people see you guys later :|   

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