Chapter 7

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Rex pov

I woke up not remembering what happened yesterday but it then hit me right in the face as I remembered what happened yesterday I then got a bit worried on what they would think so I got up but before I left the room I hid my ears and tail and walk down stairs, once I got down the stairs they all looked at me but I ignored them and went to walk out side but I was stopped by Kakashi putting his hand on my shoulder " You know Rex you don't have to hide yourself now " Kakashi said with sympathy in his voice " Says you your not hated for being the true you " is all I said I knew who Kakashi was he was the Forth Hokage's student, I know this because I read the file's on him and the team he was in but anyway I brushed his hand off and walked outside to go meditate and get my mind off of what happened yesterday. I soon found a place to meditate in the woods as I sat down I started to clear my mind, it has been a few minutes I was about to get up but I then felt a demonic chakra coming from where the bridged was supposed to be built, I quickly ran over to see Naruto surrounded by a red type of chakra and Sasuke on the ground covered in needles and Kakashi fighting that Zabuza guy along with Anko they where having a bit of trouble while trying to keep him away from Ashley, Issa, and Tazuna.

Third Pov ( I don't own this song or video )

Rex pulled out a scroll that had weapons written on it as he opened the scroll he bit his thumb letting a little blood leak out as he swiped it on a seal as a katana appeared into his hands he unsheathed it quickly, he then jumped down and slashed Zabuza on the back while he was distracted with Kakashi, he landed right next to Kakashi " Why you little brat " Zabuza yelled in anger as he ran twords Rex with his exsicutioners blade in hand and slashed but Rex doged skillfully and slashed at Zabuzas ribs and kicked the back of his leg and jumped over him and was about to strike but gut punched by him and was sent back, soon the mist they where in thicker and thicker to the point where they could barley see but Rex had Zabuzas sent but he just had to find it with out getting hit in the mist, Kakashi was then slashed by Zabuza, Rex went for the chance to take him down as he started to slash at Zabuza over and over but it did not last until he replace himself with a log, Kakashi then pulled Rex to his side as he pulled out a scroll of his own. Meanwhile Naruto was still battling the masked figure as he let a roar that broke the ice crystal dome they were trapped in as he then started to deliver multiply punches to the mask figure as Naruto then punched the mask as it broke, Naruto was then cut from his thoughts as the chakra that surrounded him was gone as he new who it was " HAKU!" Naruto yelled in shock. Back with Kakashi, Rex, Anko and Zabuza, Kakahsi had used his dog summoning to track Zabuza as they had him pinned down as Kakashi charged his lightning blade in his hand ready to end Zabuza as he went full speed ahead, Kakashi was about to kill Zabuza but was stopped by Haku as he had taken the hit for Zabuza, " Thank you Haku " Zabuza said with a smirk on his face as he ready his executioners blade about to cut through Haku and Kakashi but was stopped by Rex as he held his sword trying to hold back Zabuza's strength, " HAHAHAHAHAHA! Well done Zabuza but im afraid I have some bad news, our deals off " The blond man said, " GATO YOU FAT SCUM YOU BETRAYED ME!" Zabuza yelled still hurt from before, the man now known as Gato stepped foward along with the henchmen he had brought with him as Zabuza and Kakshi stepped back but they notice that Rex stayed still, once Gato reached Haku's lifeless body He started to kick it " Thats waht you get for breaking my arm you stupid runt " Gato said with a hint of anger in his voice as he then looked at Rex, " So decided to be a big man and not step back huh? " Gato said with a smirk as he looked at Rex as he slowly stepped towards him " Well big news for you kid hero's don't last long here " Gato said, " How are you just gonna let him treat him like that " Naruto said as he looked at Zabuza in anger " Huh? " Zabuza said with a questioned looked, " YOUR JUST GONNA LET HIM TREAT HAKU LIKE HE IS SOME DOG IN THE DIRT! " Naruto said with even more anger in his voice as he continued " HE was your partner and all you see him as is some sort of weapon " Naruto said once again, " Your words cut deep kid " Zabuza said as a tear ran down his face as he pulled down the bandages that where over his face as he put a kunai in his mouth not being able to use his hands much longer due to the fight as Gato slowly back up to the end of the crowed and gave the clear to attack as Zabuza ran forward and killed anything that moved in the crowed as he had finally reached Gato as he stabbed him in the heart with a kunai as Gato fell off the bridge in the water as he then slowly walked back to Haku but fell in the proses due to how much damage he took on his killing spree but Kakashi helped him back to Haku and layed him down next to him as they both had now died. " Great now who's gonna pay us " another group of Gatos henchmen said, " Well I guess well just have to get pay back on them for taking away our way to get payed " one of the henchmen had said as they walked up to them ready to kill the group of ninja but stopped when the heard a demonic growl. They all looked at Rex as they saw a bit of purple flames emit from his eyes and back as they slowly took from the purple flames had took the form of wings form a dragon as the purple flames formed around his eyes  as he slowly made his way to the bandits as his slow walked turned into a run then a sprint as the bandits did the same as Rex katana was covered in the purple flame as the bandits dropped dead one by one until there was none left. After Rex finished killing the bandits he passed out from chakra loss 

It had been a few days after the battle on the bridge as they continued to build the bridge. Once they finished building the bridge they decide a Name for it as the Great Naruto Bridge, as team 7 and 11 made their way home Rex kept getting bugged about his wolf ears and tail by Sakura, Issa, and Ashley but Rex ignored them on they way home knowing that he smelled something familiar at the battle of the bridge but ignored it but he could not get his mind off it but he ignored it for now.

??? Pov

" It seems our little brother has grown stronger hasn't he " A man in an orange mask said as he sat on a tree branch next to another man with a mask similar to Kakashi " He sure has hope he will forgive us for what we did " said the man as the conversation ended as the two men leapt away.

Hey guy sorry it took a bit long to post hope you guys like it byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.                           

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