Chapter 4

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A/N: Btw I don't own the video hope you like this chapter :P.

Third Pov

Rex had woken up a still a bit tiered, but got up anyway and got dressed and left his house and made his way top training ground 11. Once Rex got to training ground 11 he saw that there was no one there so he walked down and layed down on the grass and decided to go to sleep but then he felt a foot on his chest he opened his eye and saw that Anko had her foot on his chest " Oh hey " Rex said in a tiered voice, " Hm your early aren't you Rex " Anko said in a energetic voices " Well might as well get some fresh air before training " Rex replied as he moved her foot off his chest. A few minutes past as his two team mates had arrived " Hey guys how you doin " Ashley said dragging Issa by his wrist as they made their way too Anko and Rex, Rex jump up ready for the training " Okay the training is simple " Anko said as she tossed 3 bells at all of them as they had cought them she continued " You three with be running from me if I mange to find you and get your bell you will be sent back to the academy " Anko said as 2 out of 3 of her students were shocked she noticed that Rex was not shocked as the other 2 " okay the training starts NOW!!" They had all ran off into the woods.

Rex Pov

" Us being sent back to the academy is a lie the test is about team work so I have to find Issa and Ashley" I was in a hurry, a few minutes have past and I still had no luck but after a few minutes of searching I heard the sound of metal clashing I stopped in a tree to find Ashley battling Anko, Ashley badly loosing in a hurry I jumped down as I threw a Kunai at Anko she blocked it as I had landed in front of Ashley " Ashley you need to run and find Issa " I said, " But why I can beat her on my own " she protested " Listen the test is about team work now go find Issa and come back here so we can win the battle if we fight her on our own we wont win " I said sternly, she nodded and left to find Issa " Bold move to face me on your own kid " Anko said I just gave her a glare that said don't test me. I finally mad my move and threw my kunai at her she blocked it I threw my other kunai she block both but before she could make another move I punched her in the gut she flew back a little but she hit the tree I got into a battle stance " You pack a punch kid not bad at- " she had been cut off by me going for a kick to her head but she block it she then grab my foot and threw me to a tree, I fell to the ground I got up hiding the pain that I felt but I was cut from my thoughts when 3 snakes came barreling at me from Ankos sleeves I dogged before they could hit me I then threw 3 shuriken at her she blocked I ran towards her with another kunai in hand I went for a slash but she block it with a kunai of her own I struggled to push back with my kunai she soon swept my legs, as I hit the ground hard she pinned me down with her foot as she put pressure on her foot making it hard for me to get up she then reach for the bell that was hooked to my kunai pouch I took the bell and threw it into the open field kick the back of her knee and jumped towards my bell and picked it up. I was out of breath then Anko appeared in front of me and kicked me to a tree, when I hit the tree I coughed up a bit of blood " Tell me kid why do you see yourself as a broken soul " Anko had asked me " Sorry but that's none of your biasness " I said while getting back up, I then threw a kunai with a paper bomb attached once it got close to her I set the paper bomb off I then began my attack as I threw punches and kicks she had blocked almost all of them but before I knew it I was kicked into the air then kicked down to the ground. As I hit the ground hard I was pinned to the ground once more this time she had pinned me down with her knee she then reached for my bell but a kunai was thrown at her hand she jumped back " Finally. What took you so long " I said in a bit of relief as I jumped to my feet as Issa and Ashley land right next to me " She sent a clone to keep us away " Issa said I just nodded.

Third Pov

Rex, Ashley, and Issa stood against Anko " So you finally joined the party " Anko said, Rex began to weave hand seals fore the fire ball jutsu, he then spat a giant fire ball at Anko while throwing 3 paper bombed kunai at her he then set the off as the made their way to her " So what do we do till we pass " Issa asked " We fight together till we drop or until noon " Rex said, all 3 of them ran towards Anko as they fought her at the same time, a few hours had past as all them had been out of breath " Okay that's enough " Anko said they all looked at her confused " YOU ALL PASS!" Anko yelled, all 3 of them fell to the ground they where breathing heavily, but Rex quickly sat up ready to leave " Where do you think your going " Ashley said, " Home " Rex said in a broken tone " Why don't you two go over to Rex's house " Anko said, " WHAT!" Rex yelled shocked at what Anko said, " Yes lets go " Ashley said in a excited tone knowing what Anko was planning, " Sure why not " Issa said playing along, " UGH! Fine " Res said out of annoyance.

A/N: Hey guys hope you like this chapter did not have much to say here ummm well byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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