Chapter 11

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Issa pov

I was bleeding from my nose after that kick Rex gave me, I slowly got back up wiping the blood from my nose I pulled out a kunai and ran towards him he threw the chain he had at me but I blocked it and tried to hit him with my kunai but he dodge rapped the chain around my hand and kicked me in the stomach and unwrapped the chain and pulled the blade back it was about cut my cheek but I caught the blade and threw it at him but he dodge and caught the blade and threw it back at me, I dodge and by now I was out of breath I then looked up and saw he no longer had the chain any more I decided to get back to it and run towards him and threw a series of punches but he blocked or caught them and threw them away.

It had been a few minutes after the fight started we were both out of breath I kept my attacks coming but Rex easily block them he soon kneaded me in the gut and hit me with a series of punches and kicks I tried dodging them but he was to fast for me to dodge he soon grabbed me and kneed me in the face and I had flew back a few feet holding my nose I then looked at him and saw his eyes where back to normal and he then threw three kunai so I had to duck but I then was kicked in my back but I rolled so I was not on the ground I then looked back to see he was there so I took this time to use my shadow demons to attack him so I flashed the hand signs and they appeared running towards him but he had his troubles but cut down both as he then used the shadow clone jutsu and sent two clones but I cut them down using a kunai " I wont let you win with you tricks " I said glaring at him " If you don't want me to win then pick your self up and start winning " Rex said I got mad at that so I smirked and said " Oh really " 

Rex pov 

I got a bit confused at what he said but I then felt two hands grab my ankles, I looked down and saw a clone had grabbed my ankles but I looked back up and was kneed in the faces and I flew back a few feet, when I got back up a kunai was put up to my kneck " IM not afraid to kill you Rex" Issa said to me with nothing but the intent in his voice " Tell me Issa do you know the difference between me, unlike every one else I don't stop when a kunai is at my kneck " I said as I grab his wrist and twisted it so he would drop the kunai and pull his arm behind his back and pin him to the ground took out my kunai and put it to his kneck " So looks like I win " I said as the ref called the match making me the winner.

Me and Issa where now on the balcony cleaning our cuts and bandaging our wounds as the next match was Ashley vs  Aketchi so I started to watch close on Aketchi to see if he had any keke genki. The moment the match started Aketchi disappeared and Ashley was hit in the back then hit again the she was being hit all over then kneed in then hit in the gut as she then fell leaving us all in shock as Aketchi reappeared ( the rest of the fights go on as in the anime ) we where on lined up on the floor in front of the instructor as he showed us who we where facing in the next part of the chunin exams I was facing Aketchi, we had a month to train for the next exam.

Thrid pov 

Every one had left to train or rest from their fight, we then cut to Rex resting in his room until he heard a knock on his door he then got up to go see who was at the door, when he opened the door he saw and anbu member at the door " The counsel request your presences at once " The anbu said " Okay ill be their " Rex said sighing knowing what they wanted to know, soon Rex had gotten to the counsel room " Is there a reason why I was called here " Rex said showing his frustration  " Watch your tone towards us boy " a member of the civilian council said " If you think intimidating me now will work you must be completely dumb " Rex said loosing his patience, " On any part we want to know how you learned the flying Raijin and how you got hold of the scroll of  forbidden jutsu " one of the elders know known as Donzo who had one of his eyes covered by bandage and hand his arm in and arm braise and wore a white kimono " Well first off that is my own version of the flying Raijin using the body fliker and for second I never stole the scroll " Rex said " Okay Rex you are free to leave " Hiruzen said as Rex had already left Hiruzen then sighed.



Hey guys what's up this one took me a while any way im posting this a day before my birthday so hope you guys like it byeeee

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