Chapter 1

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It was a bright sunny day as Matt walked through town. The sun smiled upon the earth and reflected off his dark green eyes as a gentle breeze flew through his black hair. He pulled out his iPod and turned it on. His girlfriend's song was playing and he couldn't help himself from humming to its tune. Then he began singing. "I saw the sun rise in your eyes..." he sang, "I saw the sun set in your eyes..." his voice lowered, "Never knew I loved a chocolate sunrise til I saw your eyes..."

Then he stopped as he watched an old man yelling at some kids who just tried to steal from his little grocery store. This world was so terrible he couldn't believe it. Kids stealing from an old man, what next? The sky falling? He laughed at the thought. He continued down the street and entered a coffee shop. "One coffee, dark, please." he ordered from the teenage girl working the register.

He walked out with his coffee in his right hand and his iPod in his left. He sipped his coffee as he listened to music. He walked past some kids playing with a baseball, then a couple fighting. Apparently he had been cheating. This world only seems to be getting better and better each passing minute. A woman holding a Bible and pamphlets came up to him, "Would you like to hear about how God saved my life?" she said bubbly.

"Nah, that's okay. I have better things to do." he said as polite as he could.

He didn't care about all that "God" stuff. He never found no use in God. Bad things happen, good things happen, end of story. His girlfriend was a Christian, but he didn't mind much. He went to church a few times with her, but he just never understood how people would sit there and praise someone who wasn't here. If God was real, He'd stop all of this suffering. That's how he looked at it.

Tom had been sitting in his tiny shack of a house waiting for the call. He knew it was going to happen soon, and when it did, he was out of here. He turned on the television set and flipped through the channels searching for it. Nothing. When was she going to call? He knew her boyfriend didn't want nothing to do with God, but she did. And he would protect her when the time came. When we weren't wanted anymore. And when that time would come, he'd be ready. He got up from the dusty couch and went over to a box that read, "CLASSIFIED." He opened it revealing several handguns, a few machine guns and some grenades. "Good thing I'm friends with the Gun shop owner." he said to himself. Then the phone rang.

Matt stopped as a T.V. came on in the display window of a Radioshack. It was the newly elected president, Max Luc. He came to the podium and spoke into it, "I president Luc, have come in charge to bring peace unto the world." Matt laughed at that. Sure. "In order to do this, there are a few things that must happen. First, we are getting rid of all currency around the world. No more euros, dollars, nothing." Everyone in the crowd gasped. "Instead, we will putting one of these." he said holding a small rectangular device. "In everyone's right hand or forehead. This will be the new currency. With this, you can buy whatever you want. And whatever work you do, your money will be sent to this. Everyone's chip will have a set amount of one thousand dollars when it is first inserted." Everyone cheered. Woah! One thousand, that's awesome. "But to whoever refuses to have this inserted, you will be hunted and executed. This goes for anyone who is Christian as well. We must get rid of all Christians. They are a plague that must be destroyed. Anyone who brings in a Christian will receive one million dollars extra. That is all for now." he walked off stage and the T.V. shut off. Matt stood there, jaw dropped. What? Then he thought of Mary. Oh no! He had to get to her.

Tom sat up as the phone rang, "Yeah I know. I just saw. You ready?... Okay then, I got the box, let's get out of here.... You're bringing him too!? ... Fine. Just meet me at the spot when you're ready." he hung the phone up. He could not believe it. He grabbed the box, loaded it in his car and sped off. He was not going to be taken and killed for his belief. He would fight to the end. No matter what the cost.

End of Days: The HuntedWhere stories live. Discover now