The Laptop

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When Rose walked into her condo, she was shocked to see Mike sitting on the couch, laptop on his lap, with his dick out— pleasuring himself. She hadn't seen his dick in years, nor did she want to, so it grossed her out now. (She didn't see it when he attacked her)

"Mike!" She exclaimed as she averted her eyes.

"Christ! What the fuck?!" Mike screamed at her. He slammed his laptop screen down, and tossed it aside. He stood up and charged toward her in the kitchen, his face red. "Why the fuck wouldn't you knock, or announce yourself?!" He yelled in her face.

"It's MY fucking house too!" Rose yelled back.

*smack*.. his hand came in contact with her face, and she winched.

"What is wrong with you?! Go upstairs and do that shit!" She yelled at him as she rubbed her cheek. Mike grabbed her shoulders and slammed her against the refrigerator, "don't you DARE speak to me like that, you bitch..." he spit in her face, and dropped her from his grip.

This grotesque gesture led Rose to raising her hand and doing something she would instantly regret.. *SMACK*.. harder than he hit her. She clasped her hands to her mouth and backed up out of the kitchen.

"Mike.. I'm so so sorry. Please.. I'm sorry." She begged as she continued to back up.

He charged at her and slammed her against their corner bookshelf, next to their huge balcony window. "I should FUCKING THROW YOU OUT THIS GOD DAMN WINDOW!" His face was tomato red as the vein in the center of his forehead bulged with anger. He shifted his grip to her neck, as he punched her with his free hand.

"I'm.. sorry Mike... I'm sorry.." she breathed through the chokes. "Please.. stop."

His eyes were fixed on her as he squeezed her neck harder and harder until she blacked out.

Rose woke up in a slightly uncomfortable bed, Izzy and Mark next to her. Her eyes slightly opened as she noticed that she was in the emergency room- the hallway outside bustled with nurses and doctors, sick children, and crying patients.

"Guys? What happened?" She said as she slowly started to wake up and looked at them.

"Rose! Holy shit! Are you okay?" Izzy said as she stood up and pushed some hair out of Rose's face.

"I'm kinda glad you don't remember," Mark replied as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Mike?" Rose asked she she rubbed her neck. "What'd he do this time?"

"He uhm... strangled you.. almost to death this time. You blacked out.. and yeah, now you're here." Mark told her as he cleared his throat.

"Well that's perfect," she tried to chuckle as she adjusted her position in the hard hospital bed.

"Uhm.. is.. Sam..."

"Yes I am," Sam smiled at her, closing the glass sliding door behind him. When he walked into her room, he had flowers in hand, which he gently placed on the table at the foot of her bed. Rose's face lit up when she saw him.

He kissed her forehead when he approached, then broke down on her chest as she held him. "FUCK! Rose.. I'm so sorry." He said as he buried his head into her chest.

Izzy and Mark got up to leave and waved to her, "we'll call you later!" Mark whispered as Izzy blew her a kiss. Rose shook her head and smiled lovingly at her friends before turning her attention back to Sam.

"Sam, why are you sorry?!" She asked as she rubbed his back.

He lifted his head and took in her swollen face before he spoke, "just.. for him! For him existing and hurting you! I'm gonna kill him!" He said.

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