Prologue: Night Of The Prince

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It had now been 9 years since the defeat of Taylor Amaggio in Limbo, The Insergents were able to reform and were soon back to protecting Limbo from harm.

Tonight Miranda Jackson and her team were tasked with taking down a branch of the Limbo Mafia, who had their hands on some dangerous demonic equipment.

The team stood outside the building, Miranda looked back at her team, Chris Vaughn, Kelly Vaughn, Warren Lodge and the Half Demon Hybrid; Gwen Rosa.

One member was missing, he had been gone for 2 years.

Miranda had heard about what Jason had been doing during those 2 years of absence, the underworld had given him the nickname "The Prince Of Darkness" Miranda had no idea what this meant, she desperately wanted to find out.

Miranda "Alright, let's do this everyone!"

The team nodded and they all entered the building.

Miranda expected there to be guards in the front lobby and she was right, however they weren't a match for her team, If they were already powerful 2 years ago, then they were unstoppable now.

Chris "That didn't even make me break a sweat!"

Gwen "Cmon, let's get to the top lounge!"

They then started to make their way to the top of the building, on the way they had to fight many other crooks, however this forced them to slow down.


The head of the Mafia slammed his glass against the wall.

Head Mafia "They're making their way up here, we need to do something fast!"

Member "Relax boss, no way they're making it past the elite guards"

??? "I wouldn't be too sure about that"

The looked up in the rafters and saw a man standing there.

Memeber #2 "Who the hell are you?"

??? "I'm just a guy hired to take you down"

Head Mafia "You wanna die? There are easier ways to kill yourself!"

??? "Yeah, say that to the guy with the sword, great plan"

The man then threw a bag down at the members.

Head Mafia "What the hell is this?"

??? "Those are the heads of all your elite guards, that took me 15 minutes, you wanna see what I can get done in 30?"

The man then stepped out of the shadows to reveal the face of Jason Tate, his hair was exactly how it was 2 years ago, except his bangs now completely covered the right side of his face, his face was smooth and white with no facial hair, his eyes had a stone cold dead look to them, he was still wearing the outfit Violet had given to him however all colour had been washed out from it, it helped him blend with the shadows.

Jason "I'm not asking you to comply, I'm telling you"

Head Mafia "So, they sent the Prince Of Darkness after us did they?"

Jason "Is that what they still call me? I don't even remember anymore"

He then jumped down on the table and with a single swipe of his sword, he beheaded everyone.

Jason "Checkmate"

Just then, Miranda and the team burst into the room.

Miranda "Alright! Let's...... My god"

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