Chapter 4: Catch Your Prey

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Chapter 4

Jeanne and the rest of the group had made it into a small safe house, it was pretty rundown, however it had all the necessary equipment that they needed.

Jeanne "Alright, we will need to split up when we go after the Local News Corperation and the A.D.M building, I think we'll do it in teams of 2"

Alice "Oh oh! I can go with Arcanum to the A.D.M building"

Arcanum "Sounds like a plan"

Alice "So I guess that leaves you with Jason then!"

Alice shot Jeanne a mischievous smile while Jeanne facepalmed.

Jeanne "I guess so, it's getting late, you guys should get some sleep".

Arcanum and Alice then left the room, which just left Jason and Jeanne.

Jeanne "Ignore Alice's comments"

Jason shrugged and started to smoke.

Jeanne "I wonder, is there a reason you're like this? I can tell your not doing this just to try to act cool"

Jason didn't answer, he merely took a drag from his cigarette.

Jeanne "Alright whatever then"

She left the room but not before shooting Jason a concerned look.


On the rooftops of Elixir, The Sadistic Pink Haired girl from earlier was looking at a map, she finally found her location and marked it, Her name was Rita and she was an assasin hired by Rex.

Rita "I'll be seeing you very soon.... Prince Of Darkness"

The Next Day

Jeanne had come downstairs to find Jason in the same spot as he was yesterday, he was still awake.

Jeanne "What the?"

Jeanne then looked down at the towel she was just wearing then looked at Jason stareing at her, she immediately blushed.


She tried to slap Jason, however he merely threw her hand away and punched her straight in her nose, causing it to bleed.

Jason "Ah.... Sorry"

Arcanum and Alice the rushed into the room.

Arcanum "We heard screaming, what's going on?"

Jeanne "Why did you hit me!?"

Jason "You tried to Slap me"

Jeanne "Well why were you staring at me?"

Jason "It's your own fault for being dressed like that"

Jeanne "Yeah well.....why.....why are you still down here?"

Jason shrugged and started to smoke again.

Alice "You've got nothing to be ashamed of! Your body is banging Jeanne!"

Jeanne "I... Thanks Alice"

Alice "Seriously, those abs are incredible!"

Jeanne "ENOUGH!"

Jeanne the got up and ran out the room.

Alice "Was it something I said?"

Arcanum "No, it's just typical Jeanne"

Jason "Is she always like this?"

Arcanum "Well when we met her she was, not sure what caused her to be like that"

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