Chapter 8: By Thy Blade

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Chapter 8

Thanatos "Hello there"

Jason "Goddamnit"

Jason had woken up back in his mind, Thanatos was sitting across from him, Jason had the sneaking suspicion that Thanatos was smiling at him.

Thanatos "It seems you've reawakened the Demon inside of you, how excellent"

Jason "What do you want?"

Thanatos "You need my sword, that is the only way to defeat the Despair Embodied"

Jason "We tried, we couldn't get it"

Thanatos "I can sense where it is, you have a 2nd chance"

Jason "Alright then... I guess I'm listening to you now huh?"

Thanatos "Pretty Much"

Jason "Fine"

Jason then woke back up in Elixir, he was lying down on a bed, Jeanne was across him, her silvery white hair was tied up in a ponytail, high on the left side of the back of her head, her bangs were shaped around the right side of her face, most of the injuries on her face were gone, her beauty was now radiating from her face.

Jeanne "You alright?"

Jason "Yes"

Jeanne "That's good"

Jason sat up and looked around, he didn't recognise this place.

Jason "What is this place?"

Jeanne "My room, this is still the safe house"

Jason looked round Jeannes room, there was only the bare minimum of stuff that she needed.

Jeanne "Do you mind if we talk for a bit?"

Jason "Sure"

Jeanne then sat next to Jason on the bed, he then realised she was in a new outfit, she was wearing a white collared undershirt, a necktie that connects to her new brooch, and a girdle underneath the lapels of her coat. She also wore navy blue gloves and pants, and had two red-and-black pauldrons on her arms and legs,

Jeanne "I wonder.... What's it like?"

Jason "What do you mean?"

Jeanne "What's it like... To have a demon inside you?"

Jason took a while to answer, he didn't know what to say but tried his best to answer her.

Jason "It feels like you don't have 100% control of yourself, like the simplest of slip ups can trigger something, I wasn't able to keep my emotions in check before, and it lead to the death of someone I held dearly to me"

Jeanne "Is that why you keep silent? Is that why you don't really interact with us?"

Jason "I used to think that keeping away from people and bottling up my feelings was a good way of keeping the Devil inside me in check, but it really corrupted me in other ways, made me cold, uncaring.... Made me into something I don't wanna be"

Jeanne "And who do you wanna be?"

Jason ".... I don't know anymore"

Jeanne didn't say anything, she merely placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, Jason appreciated the gesture.

Jeanne "What Rex said last night, about freeing this world from the demons, makes me think of the people that support his corrupt message, do they even know what he's planning? Half of his followers are demons anyways!"

Jason "How do people actually fall for his crap?"

Jeanne "If you're told something is true often enough, you tend to believe it. They told me I was crazy for accusing Rex"

Jason "How did you figure it out?"

Jeanne took a deep breath and started talking.

Jeanne "When the people you are supposed the trust most... turn out to be corrupt scum... Your eyes really do open up to evil everywhere. When I found out about Rex I took a stand. Fought back, killed... No matter the consequences. I chose my path, and I lived by it..."

It was now Jason's turn to put a reassuring hand on Jeannes shoulder.

Jeanne "And now look at me, I'm 21 and I haven't made much of a difference in this city"

Jason "Well I'm 22 years old and I haven't even gotten my life together"

Jeanne gave a faint smile and giggled.

Jason "That's the 1st time I've heard you giggle"

Jeanne "Well don't expect anymore"

Jason and Jeanne sat in silence for a bit and then made their way downstairs were Jason told the team the location of the Sword Of Thanatos.

Alice "And how do you know this?"

Jason "Thanatos told me"

Jeanne "Convenient"

Arcanum "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go get it"

Jeanne "You're right!"

The team agreed and they all made their way to the location that Thanatos gave them.

It was an underground cave area at the coast of Elixir, it was a bit slippery to enter but they eventually got inside.

Alice "Spooky"

Jeanne "OK everyone, follow Jason"

Jason nodded and led the way.

Once they got inside the cave they found the sword ontop of a pedestal, the sword looked Simmilar to Jason's Sword: Celine.

Jeanne "Well... Its yours"

Jason walked up to the pedestal and grabbed the sword, the minute he did that, Celine absorbed the Sword Of Thanatos and Jason felt a huge power boost, his necklace began to glow and he let out a scream and at the same time, so did Alice.

Jeanne "Jason!?"

Jason slowly recovered from the boost but Alice was still writhing on the floor.

Jason "What's up with her?"

Arcanum "Oh god... I feared this would happen"

A purple aura then started to amit from Alice, she then rushed forward and grabbed Jason by the neck, her eyes were glowing red and the horns on her forehead had grown fully.

Jason "This.... Isn't you Alice... This is the Devil inside you"

Alice "I know... We are one in the same, you and I. But you've lost me, and I've lost you. Yet we are connected, by that one feeling"

She then pressed her finger hard against Jason's necklace

Alice "While thy branches mix with mine, and our roots together join."

Jason the entered Demons Killswitch and kicked Alice off of him.

Jason "You don't wanna do this"

Alice merely let out a maniacal laugh.

Alice "To see a World in a Grain of Sand and
a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour."

Arcanum "She's not herself! Something inside of her must of reacted to the Sword Of Thanatos!"

Jason looked over at Arcanum who had fear in his face.

Arcanum "Please.... Don't hurt her"

Jason nodded and as soon as Alice rushed at him, he gave her a quick chop on the back of the neck which knocked her out.

Jeanne "Jesus... What the hell was that?"

Arcanum took a deep breath and sat down next to Alice.

Arcanum "I think it's about time I tell you.... The story.... Of me and Alice"


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