Sub Story: Silver Bullet

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Sub Chapter

Chris's wedding was going really well, everyone was having fun and no one has started a brawl.

Chris was extremely happy that Jason had actually showed up, and from the looks of it, he seemed even happier than usual.

Chris "You made it man! I'm so glad you're here!"

Jason "What made you think I was gonna miss this?"

Warren "Well to be honest you seemed like you didn't give a shit"

Kelly then punched Warren's arm.

Kelly "Well he's here now isn't he?"

Warren "Yeah yeah I guess"

Jason chuckled, he looked around and saw that Jeanne was having a happy conversation with Miranda, he then looked over and saw that Gwen was at the bar drinking to herself.

Jason "I'll be back"

He then went over to the bar and sat next to her.

Jason "Yahello!"

Gwen jumped in her seat.

Gwen "Heh... Didn't see you there"

Jason "You alright?"

Gwen "Yeah... What made you think I wasn't ok?"

Jason "You're sitting at a bar drinking to yourself, that usually isn't a good sign of things"

Gwen "It's just... I've been getting these recent headaches and... They keep getting stronger, like they're trying to warn me about something"

Jason "You should try to take your mind of things"

Gwen "How so?"

Jason then took Gwens hand and led her to the dance floor.

Jason "I Think as your plus one... I owe you a dance?"

Gwen "Hehe... Easy pretty boy"

The 2 of them started to dance, despite Jason not knowing what to do, Gwen was able guide him in the right path.

Gwen "This... Is perfect"

Suddenly Gwen felt another headache, however this one was like someone had taken a mallet to her head and smashed it into her skull.

She let out a yell on the dance floor which attracted the attention of everyone.

Miranda "What is it! What's wrong?"

Gwen "I.... I don't know!"

Suddenly, swarms of Demons started to attacks the wedding goers, and in the middle of it all, a portal opened up revealing a man.

When the man walked about of the Portal, it was clear he was no human, he was a large blue demonic humanoid with eyes dotted all over his body, with three larger eyes on his shoulders and torso. His face is uncovered and showed that it was largely human but with sharpened teeth, he had a certain echoey rumble effect to his voice.

??? "Warriors... They have failed a hundred time before.... They always fail"

Miranda "And who the hell are you?"

??? "I am without a name. I am power, absolute. I have come to enlighten you to the great darkness! You will suffer... And...die."

The team had suddenly pulled out their weapons and prepared for a fight, all except for Gwen, she merely stood there with her face in complete fear.

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