Chapter 3: Assualt

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Chapter 3

At the new dorm for the team, Miranda heard soft crying from Gwens room.

She entered it and saw Gwen under her sheets crying.

Miranda "Hey, what's the matter?"

Gwen "It... Its nothing"

Miranda then sat on the bed and put Gwens head on her lap

Miranda "You can talk to me about anything, yunno that?"

Gwen nodded.

Miranda "Is it about Jason?"

Gwen nodded again.

Gwen "I'm thinking, what's the point anymore?"

Miranda "Hmm?"

Gwen "I've been so cruel to him, I was just thinking about how I was feeling that I didn't take in consideration about his feelings, about the fact that he lost someone"

Miranda "We all shunned him away in his time of grieving, when we should've been there for him"

Gwen "Yeah"

Miranda "Right now, what he needs is a friend, someone that he can talk to"

Gwen "Yeah... That's true"

Miranda "Do you.... still love him?"

Gwen nodded

It was at that point that Elisa came into the room.

Miranda "Elisa! What are you doing here? You should be in bed young lady!"

Elisa "I heard crying, are you OK Miss Gwen?"

Gwen "Yeah, I'm good"

Elisa "Ok!"

She nodded and went back into her room.

Gwen "She's a cutie"

Miranda "Yeah"

Gwen "Thanks Miranda, for talking"

Miranda "No worries"

She then kissed Gwens forehead and bade her goodnight.


Jason was in a car with Arcanum, Alice and Jeanne, he was sitting in the front with Jeanne while Alice and Arcanum were in the back, Alice had fallen asleep in Arcanums lap.

Jason then got a message on his phone, it was from Gwen.

Gwen "You OK?"

Jason "Yeah, you?"

Gwen "Mhmm, sorry I was just wondering"

Jason "It's fine"

Gwen "Take care ok? Get back home safe"

Jason then put his phone away and looked over at Jeanne, she had not spoken a single word to him ever since they got in the car.

She saw that Jason was staring at her and frowned

Jeanne "What it is?"

Jason "You look tense"

Jeanne then swerved the car on the road, Alice woke up

Jeanne "If you want to keep your tongue I suggest you don't talk to me like I'm your friend"

Jason shrugged and began to smoke.

Alice "Awww, Jeanne and Jason, you guys would be cute together"

Jeanne "Shut Up Alice"

Alice rolled her eyes and sat back, Arcanum sighed and turned to Jason.

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