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"Hey Max do you wanna go to the arcade we passed on the way here." Kate asked leaning on the doorway of Max's new bedroom.

"Oh shit you scared me. Yeah just let me grab my board".

While Max was grabbing her skateboard Kate was about to walk to get hers when Max called her back to the room.

"Kate wait, how are you gonna get mom to let us go?"

Kate smirked at her older sister, "don't worry about it".

Kate went back to her room and grabbed her skateboard glad she unpacked earlier in the day. She stepped out of her room when Max walked out of her room with her's.

"You're not gonna use your skates today?"

"No, I need to by some more wheels so can we stop at the store before we head home"?

"Yeah sure." Susan was sitting on the couch with their stepfather Neil.

"Hey mom can me and Max ride around the town and explore?" She said using her overly sweet tone she always uses with her mom.

"Yeah sweetheart just be back in time around lunch." Her mom said a smile.

Kate grabbed her house keys and headed out the door with Max.

"Ok you have to teach me how you do that." Max said with a light chuckle.

"It's a gift and because I'm her favorite." Kate said with a sarcastic smirk.

"Yeah, ok." The girl's talked all the way to the arcade. They walked in together and sat their skateboards down.

"Hey I'm going to head to that game over there." Kate said pointing to a game called 'Dragons Lair'.

"Ok, if you're done before me you can met me over there." Max said pointing to a game called 'DigDug'.

"I might play Centipede after I'm done with mine." Kate said before heading towards 'Dragons Lair'.

Kate finished the game getting a high score of 763,530. She entered her name 'BBKATE' and went over to 'Centipede'.

She finished the game and like last time, she got the high score and entered her name.

She headed over to 'DigDug' and played it. Even though she couldn't beat Max's score, she bear some kid named Dustin which made her happy.

When Max finished she walked over to Kate.

"Come on mom's gonna throw a fit if we're not home soon".

On the way home Kate asked Max how she did on the games.

"I got a high score on DigDug but I got second place on Dragons Lair and Centipede how'd you do with DigDug".

"Well I couldn't beat your score but I did get second place." She replied with a a smile.

They went and got Kate's wheels and headed home. Max went into her room to do who knows what and Kate went to replace her wheels. Little did they know they just gained 4 new personal stalkers.

Not much of a change. I just noticed I haven't proofread any of these chapters

~Arcade ❄︎ Lucas Sinclair~Where stories live. Discover now