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"He's late." Lucas whispered to his girlfriend. "I know, babe calm down." Kate responded.

A few minutes later Mike came riding into the parking lot on his bike.

"You're late." Lucas told him. "Sorry!" Mike apologized. "Again!" Lucas continued.

"We're gonna miss the opening." Will complained.

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go!" Mike retorted.

"If you guys keep whining about it. Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh." Lucas mocked. "Let me guess you guys were too busy swapping spit."

"Oh El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with our friends." Lucas imitated.

"Lucas stop." Kate said annoyed.

"Will thinks it's funny." Lucas commented.

"Because it is." Will said while laughing.

"Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike said, rolling his eyes at the group.

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Lucas argued, wrapping his arm around Kate.

They made their way down the escalator muttering apologies to everyone they bumped into.

"Watch it!" One of the girls yelled.

"Yeah watch it nerd!" Lucas' sister, Erica, yelled.

"Isn't it past your bedtime." Lucas fired

"Isn't it time you died!" Erica retorted.



"Mall rat!"


After that remark Lucas stuck his tongue out at his sister. "Oh, now that was mature." Kate told her boyfriend sarcastically, pulling him away.

They make their way up to scoops, where Kate see's her favorite ice cream worker.

"Hey Robin." Kate says with a smile, while Mike began to repeatedly ring the bell.

"Hey dingus, your children are here." Robin called, after giving Kate a slight smile.

Steve popped his head out of the sliding window(?) and said, "Again? Seriously?"

Mike pursed his lips and rang the bell one more time, just in spite. Steve led them through the door and out the back.

"If anyone hears about this-"

"We're dead!" The kids finished.


"All clear." Mike confirmed. They all started walking into the movie, just making it. Max walked into one row with Kate and Lucas right behind her, while Mike and Will sat in a row behind them. (Byler😊)

"See Lucas, we made it." Mike told him.

"We missed the previews." Lucas argued.

"We still made it fartface." Kate teased.

Will reached into his backpack, pulling out snacks and handing them to the group. As soon as the movie started, it stopped. Everyone in the theater started groaning and booing in anger.

After a few minutes of darkness the power, along with the movie, came back on. While the crowd cheering in happiness. Will got goosebumps along with a scared expression on his face, not that anyone noticed.

9-10-21: It's my birthday!!! First chapter of season 3. I lied I don't have a lot of drafts for season 3 but I will be making them soon. If y'all want some filler chapters about the summer let me know and I'll add some.

~Arcade ❄︎ Lucas Sinclair~Where stories live. Discover now