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Max and ⅘ party members were in the class. Mr. Clarke was teaching about Phineas Gage when the door busted open revealing a very late Dustin.

Dustin turned to face the party and Max. "A.V. Club Lunch." Dustin said.

"Dustin." Mr. Clarke called. "Yes my lord?" Dustin said, turning around.

-Time Skip-
-Inside the A.V. Room-

Dustin opened his trap thingy that he had from Halloween which ended up having a tadpole like creature inside.

"His name is D'Artagnan." Dustin said excitedly while the others looked at it in disgust.

Dustin slowly picked up the creature. "Cute, right.". "D'Artagnan?" Mike asked, with his eyebrows knitted.

"Dart for short." Dustin said, looking at Mike. "And he was in your trash?" Mike asked the curly headed boy.

"Foraging for food." Dustin said happily. "You wanna hold him?" He asked Max. She quickly shook her head while repeating "no''. Kate could tell he was trying to impress her but was failing miserably.

"He doesn't bite, don't worry." Dustin said, putting the creature in her hands.

"Oh, God, he's slimy." Max said, passing the creature to Lucas.

"Ugh, he's like a living booger." Lucas tried to pass it to Kate who was right next to him but she stepped back so he passed it to Will.

"Oh God." Will passed this creature to Mike. Mike started to inspect it.

"What is he?" Mike said, passing him back to Dustin.

He put the creature back in the trap thingy and started to explain more of what he learned.

"At first, I thought it was some sort of pollywog." Dustin slammed some books on the table.

"Pollywog?" Max asked. "It's another word for tadpole." Dustin explained.

Dustin began going on and on about the tadpole-like creature. Mike shined the light on the creature and it began making this weird screech noise and tried to escape. Dustin caught the creature and patted it softly. He then continued talking.

The bell rang and everyone packed up their things and left the room. "We have to show Mr. Clarke.". "I'm thinking about naming it Dustonious Pollywogus." Dustin said.

-Not talking about every class so TIME SKIP-

"So, are your sisters coming?" Billy's hook up for the day said.

"Billy!" Kate called. "What they hell Lyn where's the hell is Max!" Billy said, already getting angry.

"We're skating home because we have to stay after school for a project." Kate said, coming up with a believable lie on the spot.

"Wish you would've told me that before I waited out here. Well come on Stacy we have to go." Billy said while taking one last drag of his cigarette then putting it out.

Kate skated all the way back to the school and headed towards the A.V. Club to find Max banging on the door.

"Hello? Hello?" Max said banging on the door. "Hey." Kate said, catching her breath.

"I told Billy we were skating home because we had a project." Kate said once she finally caught her breath.

"Here I'll try." Kate said. "Guys open the door!" Kate said. As soon as she said that Lucas opened the door and smiled at her letting her come in. He tried to close the door but Max pushed in and let herself in but that made Dart escape.

~Arcade ❄︎ Lucas Sinclair~Where stories live. Discover now