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~ With the Stalkers~

The boys started yelling while Dustin was playing 'Dragons Lair'.

Soon after the character got burned by the Dragon "no! No, no, no, no." Dustin shouted.

"I hate this over priced bullshit." He said as he hit the machine twice.

"Your just not nimble enough you'll get there, but until then princess Dalphina is still mine." Lucas said while pointing at Dustin.

"You know what? Whatever I'm still tops on 'Centipede' and 'DigDug'." Dustin pointed at Lucas.

"You sure you're still tops at those 3 games?" The creepy, perverted arcade worker Keith said.

"What?" Dustin asked while mike looked at the high score.

"Guys" mike said while pointing at the scoreboard.

"Dude, 763,530 points." Will said amazed while the 4 boys were looking at the name 'BBKATE' on the screen.

"No!" Dustin ran to 'DigDug' while the others ran to 'Centipede'.

They went over to Dustin when the saw 'BBKATE' had the highest score.

"Did they have the high score on DigDug?" Mike asked while looking at a depressed Dustin.

"No someone named 'MADMAX' had the highest score but they were in second" Dustin explained to the other 3 boys.

"Who is 'BBKATE' Lucas said at the same time Dustin said, "Who is 'MADMAX'".

"Better than you." Keith said, making Dustin shove his middle finger at him.

"Is it you?" Will asked Keith. "You know I despise DigDug." Keith scoffed.

"Then who is it?" Lucas asked. "Yeah spill it." Dustin said slightly annoyed.

"You want information, then I need something in." Keith looked pointedly at Mike.

The other 3 boys looked at Mike knowing what he was talking about.

Mike gasped, "No, no, no, no way you're not getting a date with her."

"Mike come on just get him a date." Lucas said while looking at Mike.

"I'm not prostituting my sister!" Mike exclaimed.

"But it's for a good cause." Lucas said slightly defeated, making Keith nod.

"No don't get him a date. You know what? He's gonna spread his nasty ass rash to your whole family." Dustin said annoyed at Keith by this point.

"Acne isn't a rash and it's not contagious, you prepubescent wastoid." Keith said to Dustin while grabbing another cheeto.

"Oh I'm a wastoid." Dustin said getting angry.

While the boys were having a screaming match with Keith, Will turned around because he heard something. He looked outside and saw flakes flying around outside.

"Hey, hey guys do you see the......" He turned around and trailed off because he just noticed that everyone was gone.

His vision started to go to the upside down. He heard a crash from the door making him gasped. He headed towards the door. The clouds were black and red started flashing around and through the black clouds.

"Will! Are you ok?" Mike asked making his sight go back to normal.

"Yeah, I just.....I needed some air."

"Come on your next on DigDug." Let's take that top score back, huh."

~ 🙈🛹Transitioning to the new kids brought to you by Max's skateboard 🛹 🙈~

"Max, Lyn, we have to go dipshits!" Billy yelled to his two stepsisters. He didn't really like them but Kate was his favorite. Not that he would admit it.

Kate and Max walked towards his blue Camaro, Max with her skateboard in hand Kate with her skates in her book bag. The whole car ride was silent other than Billy's obsessively loud music.

Once they arrived at Hawkins high school, Max rode her skateboard while Kate rode he skates to Hawkins middle.

~ ⏰Time Skip Baby ⏰~

Mr. Clarke's classroom door opens as two short red-headed girls walked in along with the principal.

"Ah, these must be our new students." Mr. Clarke stated.

"Indeed, all yours." After the brief discussion the principal left. Kate and Max started to walk towards two seats that were in the back, until they were interrupted by the overly energetic teacher.

"All right, hold up, you don't get off that easy." Mr. Clarke said to the two girls.

Kate rolled her eyes and lent back on the teachers desk. She hated public attention.

"Dustin drumroll please." Mr. Clarke said to a boy with curly brown hair she assumed to be Dustin.

Dustin closed his textbook and tapped it repeatedly.

"Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passengers to join us on our curiosity voyage, Maxine and Katelyn." Mr. Clarke said with a cheerful attitude.

"It's Kate." She said as she stood up from the desk she was leaning on to the desk she was initially going to sit at. She didn't mean to sound rude she just didn't like all the attention she was getting

"It's Max." She said as she waited for the teacher to allow her to sit. "Sorry?" Mr. Clarke asked. "Nobody calls me Maxine and nobody calls her Katelyn. It's Max and Kate." She explained to her new teacher.

"Well welcome all around Max." Max went to sit next to her sister who sat with her chin in her hand.

"BBKATE and MADMAX." The boys said in unison.

~Arcade ❄︎ Lucas Sinclair~Where stories live. Discover now