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Max and Kate skated towards Billy's camaro. "You're late." Billy said, as he stubbed his cigarette out.

"The teacher made me stay back." Max said.

"Jesus, I don't care. If you're late again you're skating home." Billy said before they got in the car.

"God this place is such a shithole." Billy said while driving.

"It's not that bad." Max mumbled from her seat in the back immediately regretting it.

"No?" Billy looked at Max from the rear view mirror and rolled down the left back side window.

"That shit stinks Billy. Roll the window up." Kate said.

Billy ignored her and kept talking to Max. "Mmh, you smell that, Max? That's actual shit.... cow shit." Billy said rolling the window up.

"I don't see any cows." Max said. "Clearly you haven't met the high school girls." Billy said.

"So what, you like it here?" Billy asked. "No." Max said not wanting to be in that conversation anymore.

"Then why are you defending it?" Billy asked slightly calmer. "I'm not".

"Sure sounds like it." Billy said. "It's just we're stuck here, so" Max shrugged. "Who's fault is that max."

"Yours." Max mumbled. "What'd you say.' Looking back at Max through the rearview mirror. Kate immediately felt bad for her sister but didn't want to say anything knowing it would make matters worse.

"Nothing." Max said quickly. "You said it was my fault?" Billy said, and Kate knew Billy was mad at her older sister.

"No." Max stated quickly probably realizing the same thing. "You know who's fault it is." Billy said.

"Say it." Billy said while looking at her through the rear view mirror for the millionth time.

"Max..." Billy said in a slight sing-song voice. "Say it." He said sternly.

The angry teen sat back in his seat and sped up, making Max go back slightly. He hummed slightly to the music and drummed on the steering wheel.

Kate and Max noticed Mike, Dustin, and Lucas riding their bikes across the street. Kate sat straight up in her seat. Even though she didn't really like or know them that much she didn't want Billy to squash them like a bug with his car.

"Billy, slow down." Max said as she looked closer. "Oh, their your new hick friends?" Billy pointed at them.

"Billy stop. You don't want to go to jail for running over 3 innocent minors." Kate said, slightly worried for the boys.

"No! I don't know them." Max said quickly. "Oh, so now you care about when I do this Lyn. You used to love doing this back in California. I guess you won't care if I hit 'em all then, huh, Max." Billy said, slightly questioning why Kate all of a sudden cared when he did this but never the less he still continued.

"I get bonus points if I get 'em all in one go?" Billy said. "No, Billy seriously slow down." Kate said getting more worried as they got closer.

Billy looked at Max and Kate with a serious look on his face. The engine revved loudly as Dustin looked behind him.

Billy was getting close to the 3 boys as they pedaled as fast as they could in order to not get crushed.

"Billy stop!" Max took the wheel and drove to the right, making the boys drive to the left, Dustin had fallen down.

"Yeah! That was a close one huh?" Billy shouted. Kate sighed, happy that the boys didn't get hit. Max looked back to make sure the boys were ok.

Billy and Kate always did this but this was the first time Kate tried to stop him. Why she tried to stop him was unknown to all of them but Max had a theory on why she did it but kept it a secret.

"Was that..," Dustin stood up beside Lucas. "BBKATE", Lucas sighed out.

"That's BBKATE?" Mike said with his eyes widened.

"Kate with MADMAX and their brother, Billy Hargrove." Dustin panted.

~Arcade ❄︎ Lucas Sinclair~Where stories live. Discover now