Chapter 4 - Sadie

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Sadie's idea of an ideal Camelot trip certainly wasn't trekking through the woods with satchels on their backs, still trying to dry off the rest of the way, and following a bunch of strangers they had just met. Sadie didn't doubt who they were. The idea that they were gods wasn't the craziest thing that Sadie had heard since she started coming to Camelot. She just wasn't sure if she could trust them yet. The whole situation was odd, especially since it concerned Merlin, and honestly, Sadie would have preferred dressing up for foreign royalty and spent the rest of the week with them rather than this.

But Sadie was a queen of Camelot and a good one at that. She couldn't just ignore the fact that Merlin and Freya needed their help. After everything that they had done for them, it would be insane to leave them like that.

"This is insane," Sadie mumbled, mostly to herself, as she walked side by side with Kenna, who had just given up playing 'Quote that Vine' with Campbell, Hudson, and Jude. "How could they just... let themselves get captured like that? Merlin and Freya have been around for a whole century, hell, maybe more than that. They've slid completely under the radar. Why this?"

"I don't get it," Kenna agreed, pulling her wet hair out of the side braid she had put it in earlier and starting to rebraid it again as they walked. Her sword rested neatly on the gray fabric of her dress and always seemed to emulate the light blue hue of humility, the same way that Sadie's always seemed to be glowing pink for kindness. "But I'm really not going to question it anymore. I mean, Sadie, love, this is Camelot. Just about anything happens here. I mean, Campbell's dad is the warlock who watched over the legendary King Arthur. Jude's mother died and came back as a nymph. We travel between the twenty-first century and the sixth century by jumping into a lake with a sword necklace that just so happens to be Excalibur. I don't believe anything is impossible now." Campbell and Jude turned their heads at the mention of their names, glaring at the joke about Merlin and Freya being their parents, but Sadie knew at this point, the two Camelotians had worked their way into their hearts. The same way that Sadie couldn't deny that she cared about them too.

"It's really not a question of improbability," Sadie replied quickly, shaking her head. "It's more like... Well, can we even trust them? The Goddlets. They just showed up out of nowhere." Kenna shrugged her shoulders, glancing over at where the Goddlets were in front of them. Sadie followed her gaze. Nesrin had found a dryad in the woods and was engaged in a delightful conversation with Zach by her side, the latter just chuckling at her excitement. While Wren and Koa seemed a little more serious, Luna had butterflies dancing around her fingers, giggling and forming incoherent words, spinning and tugging on Zale's arm to show off something new she had found.

"Well, I think we can trust those two at the very least," Kenna shrugged with a small giggle. "Relax Sadie. It'll be okay. Besides, they're our only lead to finding Merlin and Freya. And we need to find them. We owe them that much." Sadie sighed and nodding her head, refocusing her attention back on the long walk ahead of them.

"I know. We do. But I can't help focusing on the what-ifs," Sadie admitted. Kenna shrugged her shoulders. For a second, their fingers brushed together and Sadie resisted the urge to lace them together before Kenna pulled her hand back.

"That's understandable. You want to make sure that we make it through the day, I get it. But we're all on high alert, just like you even if it doesn't seem like it. We're not the Knights of the Lunch Table for nothing," Kenna replied honestly. "But I believe that we can trust Koa. The rest of the Goddlets seem to follow her so if we can trust her, I have to believe we can trust them too." Sadie's face broke in a smile.

"Someone's humanity is showing."

"Oh, shut the hell up!" Kenna's face darkened in an attempt to keep the running gag alive, but the way she smiled a second later broke the façade everyone knew she was trying to keep up. "Anyway, when we get Merlin and Freya back, you do realize we're going to have a lot of work on our plate."

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