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Freya' P.O.V

The whole ship rocked from side to side violently as a sea monster hit the bottom of the ship, knocking us back off our feet.
"What is that?" Caspian asked once he came to his feet.
"It's too late. It's too late!" Lord Rhoop cried.
"It's gone under the ship!" The crew cried. Looking around I saw Gael crouched by the opposite side of the ship just as the ugly creature raised it's head, hissing at us.
"Gael! Move!" I screamed before rushing towards her.
Just as the creature was about to attack the ship Eustace and Reepicheep came out of nowhere and attacked, breathing fire into it's face. Eustace dug his talons into the creature's eyes, hanging on for dear life as it swung him back and forth. The sea monster managed to throw Eustace off, nearly crashing into the water, but Eustace was quick to attack again. Only the creature saw him coming and dove at him, dragging him under the water.
"No!" I screamed. "Eustace!" I tried to rush forward only for Lucy to grab me. "What are you doing? Let go!"
"No, Freya you're pregnant!"
"But Eustace-"
"Is a dragon. He can take care of himself." Just as she said that the creature resurfaced with Eustace and threw him against a boulder. Before it could devour him Eustace blew fire straight into it's mouth, forcing back under the water.
"Be gone monster!" Lord Rhoop yelled and threw the sword straight at our cousin. It land inside his shoulder and out of fear, Eustace took off.
"No!" I yelled rushing at the deranged Lord as he tried to take hold of the wheel.
Luckily before too much harm was done Drinian knocked him out with a blow to the face.
"Now crew," the captain called loudly and steadily. "To your rowing positions. Oars at double speed!"
"Lucy!" I yelled, pushing through the men to get to her. "Take this!" I handed her my sword.
"Take it!" I spoke loudly over the men so she could hear me. "I have a plan but I need you and Edmund to distract that thing when it comes back. I need to harness as much power as I can and to that I can't have that thing trying to kill me."
"I'm on it!" Just ask the words left her mouth the sea monster sprung from the water and over the ship wrapping its entire body around us like a boa trying to crush its meal. I overheard Caspian and Edmund talking about ramming the creature into the rocks up ahead, rushing forward I quickly snatched Edmund's torch from his belt without his realization.
Making my way to the mouth of the ship head I flashed the torch directly into the monster's eyes gaining its attention fast. 
"Try and kill me now!" I screamed at it. It lurched it's disgusting head at me, ripping of the face of our ship's figure head before spitting it out. I quickly climbed up on to the head and smirked. "I'm still here!" I yelled at it. I noticed we were getting closer and closer to the rocks and knew what I had to do.
I came up here to protect my twin having to do this to protect my people in the process I might lose my life, but I can't regret the decisions that I've made. Because I'm protecting the people that I love.
Raising my staff, I summoned as much power as possible as I saw Lucy's arrows fly by, hitting it straight in the eye. I felt the ship ricochet off the serpent as it collided with the stones, and unleashed an unmeasurable amount power straight into the heart of the monster. I felt myself weaken as I was tossed back onto the deck.
But still, I did not give up.
"We need to get it closer!" I yelled at Caspian.
"Are you mad!?" He snapped. "Just nearly died-"
"That isn't anything new!" I yelled. "You need to listen to me or none of us are going to survive this! Ready the harpoons!"
I took off and was quick to climb to the watch tower. I grunted in pain as the creature was accidentally slammed into me, but I kept steady, my staff at the ready.
"Hahaha poor girl, always so ready to sacrifice yourself! What is it that you are trying to prove?" Jadis hissed. "That not a magic is bad? That you are still worthy of being a Queen? I can do that. I can make them all love you. Just take my hand."
Just then my Golden staff started glowing a brilliant blue and I knew what I had to do. I turned away from my fear, and I lept through the air, landing on the sea monster's head.
"I release you!" I screamed bring my staff down so hard it pierced through the skin. I forced all my love, all my happy memories through my magic and into the creature.
Purifying it. I screamed in pain as lightening cracked from the creature and blasted through the darkness, before falling unconscious.
The last thing I saw was the worried and fearful stares of my husband and family.

Aslan's P.O.V

"You know, when I said I had hoped to see you soon. I didn't mean like this." I smiled at the young Queen.
"Well excuse me, I mean to be blasted from the bloody sky." Freya' smirked. "But yet somehow I always seem to end up here."
"You finally know the reason for it though."
"I do." She breathed. "But first a bath." I laughed as the small Queen took off through the castle doors to prepare herself for the arrival of her family.
Making my way pass the barrier, I greeted the Pevensies and Caspian.
"Welcome children. You have done well. Very well indeed. You have come far, and now you're journey is at an end."
"Is this your country?" The youngest of the Pevensies asked.
"No. My country lies beyond."
"Is my wife in your country?" King Caspian whispered brokenly.
"You can only find that out for yourself my son, but you should know, if you continue there is no return."

Reunited: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader~~Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now