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Freya's P

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Freya's P.O.V

"Wait!" I called, halting their movements. "Lily." I watched as the now grown up girl turn to face me, with the biggest smile.
"You remember?" She questioned hopefully as she stepped forward.
"I do." I smiled opening my arms to her. I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped me as she rushed forward and threw herself in my arms, wrapping herself around me. "I'm sorry it took so long to keep my promise."
"It doesn't matter how long it took you, you're here now. And I have missed so much." Lily cried.
"Wait." Lu called stepping forward. "You two know each other?"
"Yes." Lily answered pulling back from me. "Over a thousand years ago my mother threw me into a frozen sea, and when I awoke Freya and Aslan brought me here. She nursed me back to health, connected my life force to this island so I would never be in danger again. Freya became my family, but soon she had to leave. She had to return to her body."
"When Aslan and I died on the Stone Table our souls traveled here, but time. It moved differently. One hour felt like one week. I fell in love with this island but I knew I had to go back soon. And do did Aslan. Aslan knew once I returned I would have no memory of this place. It's just the way it had to be. But now that I've remembered, I now know what it was that Aslan has been trying to warn us about. The Dark Island, it was created when I killed the white witch. The Dark Island is her very essence. Ruled in darkness, fear and madness." I stated as we started climbing to the top of the hill to look out towards the Dark Island.
"The magician Coriakin, told us we needed the seven swords at Aslan's table." Caspian spoke up. "Do you know where the last sword remains?"
"Yes," Lily answered. "It's there. Along with the seventh Lord. But beware, my mother won't let you leave that easily."
"Wait..." Edmund interrupted. "Your mother is the white witch!?"
"Yes. Jadis cast me aside long before I ever came to this island. Said I was a disappointment because I didn't have magic. Only, when Freya found me, I learned that I really did have magic I had just oppressed it because of my fear of Jadis. Now waste no time."
"I hope we meet again." Edmund smiled. I watched as Lily blushed and smiled at my brother before bidding us farewell and returning to the skies.
"We'll let men rest and eat for two hours time." I spoke as I turned around and started walking back. "Then we will set sail for Dark Island."
The hours flew by quickly and before we knew it we boarded the ship once more. This time with enough supplies and food to hold us over until we return to our palace...
That is if we return.
"When I grow up, I want to be just like you!" Gale smiled at Lu and I.
"When you grow up..." I smiled as Lu went to sit beside her.
"You should be just like you." I turned back to the mirror in order to finish my armor.
Quickly making our way to top deck I came to stand beside my husband.
"No matter what happens here," I started. "Every soul who stands before us, has earned they're place on the crew of the Dawn Treader."
"Together we have traveled far. Together we have faced adversity, together we shall do it again!" Caspian added.
"So now is not the time to fall to fear's temptations! Be strong, never give in! Our world, our Narnian lives- depend on it!" I called to our crew. "Think of the lost souls we're to save!" I paused looking around at the faces of our people. "Think of Narnia. Think of Aslan."
"For Narnia!" The crew started cheering together. Looking back to my husband I saw his smile, and felt hope bloom in my chest.
As we traveled further into Dark Island the mist grew thicker and thicker. I grasped my husband's hand tightly as the mist swirled around me, hissing.
"Did you honestly think you could escape me?" Spinning around I saw Jadis floating in the mist, laughing at me.
"But of course she was foolish enough to think so!" Miraz hissed joining her.
"No!" I cried. "You're dead!"
"Silly girl!" They laughed coming closer. "You will never be rid of us!"
"It's not real." Caspian whispered in my ear. Bring me closer to his chest. "It's just the mist."
Breathing in deeply I focused on the touch of my husband, and was able to push my fears away.
Suddenly a voice rang out from dark depths.
"Keep away!"
"Who are you!?" Edmund called back.
"We do not fear you!" Caspian added to his call.
"Nor I you!" The voice responded. Edmund grabbed his torch and pointed in the direction of the voice.
"Keep away!"
"We will not leave!" I called to him.
"You will not defeat me!" The ragged old man yelled at us, holding his sword up.
"Caspian, Freya look!" Edmund pointed. "His sword!"
"Lord Rhoop!" Caspian called to him, rushing down to stand next to Edmund.
"Stand down!" I spoke to our crew. "Let's get him on broad. Quickly!" Just then Eustace flew down and grabbed the lord and tossed him on broad.
"Off me demon!" Lord Rhoop yelled swinging his sword.
"No my Lord. We are not here to hurt you. I am your Queen and this is your King Caspian." I spoke to him lowering my sword.
"Caspian?" He breathed before turning towards us. "My Lord!" He cried touching Caspian's cheek. "You should not have come here! Quickly turn the ship around!"
"We have a sword. Let's go!" Edmund spoke to us.
"Let's turn her about, Drinian!" Cas commanded.
"Do not think!" Lord Rhoop yelled at us. "Do not let it know your fears! Or it will become them!"
"Oh no..." Edmund breathed out guiltily.
"Edmun what did you just think of!?" I questioned worriedly.
"I am so sorry." He cried before rushingtowards the side of the ship and staring out at the dark lurky depths of the water. I watched as things that used to be stoned started moving underneath the waves and automatically knew what it is that he was afraid of.
Sea monsters.

Reunited: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader~~Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now