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Freya's P

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Freya's P.O.V
Walking down the corridor towards mine and Caspian's shared room, pushing the doors open I saw my handsome husband walking back and forth between his wardrobe and trunk.
Confused I stepped in and closed the door behind me.
"Are we going somewhere?" I asked causing him to jump.
"Oh, Freya love." He smiled walking up to kiss me. "The Dawn Treader is finally complete and ready to set sail. I'm going to find the seven Lord's of Tel-mar. They've been missing for years. Went into hiding not long after my father died."
"Don't you mean we are going. Caspian..." I glared as he started packing again.
"Freya please. It's too dangerous. You have to stay here, where it's safe."
"Aren't you forgetting how we met? More specifically are you forgetting who I am? I'm not just some privileged Queen pampered and fragile. I'm a warrior, I have magic. You're not leaving me behind." I stated crossing my arms.
"Freya..." Caspian sighed coming up to me and wrapping me in his arms. "Please understand, you are far to important to me. I can't lose you."
"And you think I can bare to lose you!? Besides, with me there we have a better chance of finding your father's old advicers. And you know it. Either you take me with you or I'll find them on my own." I smirked watching the defeat take over his face.
"Fine. But you can't be reckless. And if anything goes wrong you protect yourself, don't be the hero."
Smiling I reached up and kissed him deeply.
"We leave tomorrow morning?" I questioned pulling back and resting my forehead against his chest.
"Yes." He purred rubbing my back. Smirking, I pulled out of his arms and waved my hand causing all of my appropriate travel clothes and shoes to come flying out of my extra wardrobe and into my trunk. What? I'm a queen, I need the extra wardrobe.
Turning back to my husband I allowed him to sweep me off my feet and deposit me in the middle of our bed as he climbed on top of me.
"I love you Freya Faye Pevensie."

Skip the love making to two weeks later aboard the Dawn Treader

Skip the love making to two weeks later aboard the Dawn Treader

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Feeling arms encircle my waist I giggled and leaned back into my husband

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Feeling arms encircle my waist I giggled and leaned back into my husband.
"See aren't you glad I came?" I smirk hearing his groan as he buried his face in my neck.
"My answer is the same as it has been for last two weeks, yes I am incredibly glad you came."
"Your Majesties! Look!"
Following the line of sight that was pointed out we saw what seemed to be three people who were struggling to stay above the waves.
Racing to the railing I watched as my husband and two more of our men jumped overboard.
"Lower the lift!" I ordered rushing over there they would be pulled up. Once I saw who my husband was bringing up I started to cry.
"Lucy!" I gasped jerking her into my arms once her feet touched the deck.
"Freya?" Lu cried holding on to me tighter. I quickly moved us out of the way so the others to could come on deck.
"Freya!" Edmund's voice rang out as he nearly knocked us over. As we continued to hug Caspian brought over towels  to help my siblings dry off.
"How did you guys get here!?" I asked pulling back so they could wrap their towels around them.
"No idea!" Lu laughed.
"It's great to see you both!" Caspian smiled wrapping his arms around me again this time getting me slightly wet.
"Didn't you call for us?" Lucy asked confused.
"No. Not this time." Caspian answered.
"Well whatever the case I'm just glad to be here." Edmund smiled brightly.
"Aaaaahhhhhh!" A young boys voice echoed around us. Looking back I saw none other than my annoying little cousin Eustace screaming as he desperately try to get Reepicheep off of him.
"Reepicheep!" Lucy smiled gaining his attention.
"Ah, your Majesties!" Reepicheep smiled shocked before bowing.
"Hello Reep." Ed smiled. "What a pleasure."
"The pleasure is all mine Sir! But first what do we do about this hysterical interloper?"
"That giant rat thing just tried to claw my face off!" Eustace exclaimed hysterical.
"I was merely just trying to expel the water from your lungs sir." Reepicheep corrected scaring my prudish and polished cousin.
"It talked. Did anyone just hear that it talked!?" Eustace exclaimed once more.
"He always talks." One of our men, Antoine, spoke up confused.
"Actually it's getting him to shut up, that's the trick." I laughed.
"The moment there is nothing to be said, your Highness, I promise you I will not say it." Reepicheep smirked at me.
"F-Freya!? B-b-but you've been missing! How?" Eustace gaped.
"Ah, that, well that's a long story." I smiled at him.
"I don't know what kind of prank this is but I want to wake up right now!" Eustace screamed nearly crying.
"Perhaps we could throw him back?" Reepicheep suggested. I laughed as Lucy nearly smacked Edmund for considering it.
"I demand to know just where in the blazes am I!?" Eustace continued to scream.
"You're on the Dawn Treader the finest ship in Narnia's Navy." Wordsworth, a young male Minotaur amswered, shocking Eustace enough to pass out. Walking up to Wordsworth, just to make sure everything was okay, the startled Minotaur turned to me.
"Was it something I said?" He asked in worry.
"It's okay Wordsworth, but can you please see to him?" I reassured him.
"Of course your majesty."
Walking back to my husband, Caspian gently grasped my hand and pulled me up to the small stairway.
"Men!" I called getting everyone's attention. "Behold our castaways, my siblings, Edmund the Just, and Lucy the Valiant! The king and queen of old!"
Everyone bowed to my siblings in honor as I grabbed Lucy's hand as Caspian gestured for Edmund to follow him.
"Come." I spoke gently. "Let's get you some clean and dry clothes." I smiled.

"You no idea how much I've missed you!" Lucy squealed wrapping her arms around me as we entered mine and Caspian's quarters.

"Oh Lu, I've missed you as well. Tell me, how's school going? And our dear brother and sister? Is there anyone special in your life?" I rapid fired at her.

"Slow down!" She laughed as I helped her out of her wet clothes. "School is going good, I study hard and because of that I have the second highest markings in school. Next this annoying boy named Lucas. He thinks he's God  I swear. Always prancing about and strutting as if he's king." 

"Sounds like you might have a crush..." I teased.

"On Lucas Brahms!? Oh Heavens! I mean, I used to think he was cute, with his gorgeous dark brown curls, and dimpled smile and his sharp jawline...." She trailed before she noticed me smirking. "Okay so I might have a slight crush, no big deal."

I laughed as she tossed he soaking wet clothes at me before grabbing some trousers and top.

"Did you not pack any dresses?" Lu asked with a raised eyebrow as she started getting dressed.

"I didn't believe my handmade silk and beaded dresses were appropriate for such a voyage."

She laughed as she laced up her belt before grabbing a pair of my riding boots.

"Anyway, Peter, he's joined the army, like father. Last we heard he was doing very well and had met this combat nurse, Catherine Kein, I believe. He described her as a ray of sunshine with ocean blue eyes and a mischievous smile." Lucy laughed sitting next to me.

"So he's in love?" I giggled.

"Oh yes, very much so. And Susan...well after returning home she started seeing a therapist. She distanced herself from us for about the first year, but then when we saw her again it was if she was reborn. She apologized to us for everything and asked if we ever had the chance to, to tell you how sorry she was for trying to come between you and Caspian. Susan, she had some issues, still does, but she's getting better. She even fancies someone. So much so she is thinking of marrying him." Lu explained holding my hand.

"If you go back, can you tell her that I have long since forgiven her. And that I hope she gets all of the happiness she deserves out of life." My voice broke.

"Of course." Lucy whispered hugging me. After a few minutes she pulled away and laughed lightly. "Okay, your turn. What happened after we left?"

"Well for starters, Caspian and I got married..."

Reunited: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader~~Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now