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Freya's P.O.V

"So you were just going to leave that saying goodbye?" I asked as I watched my husband approach the broader

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"So you were just going to leave that saying goodbye?" I asked as I watched my husband approach the broader. Spinning around I saw my husband face light up as he raced towards me.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" He glared before kissing me.
"You...we thought..." Lu cried as she lurched herself at me.
"Sshhh..." I whispered rubbing her back as Edmund joined in on our hug. "I thought I made it clear that is going to take a lot more than just some sea serpent to kill me."
"I knew you would come back to us!" Edmund smiled. "You always do."
"Of course. Can't just stop annoying till the end of time now can I?" I joked before pulling my eyes towards Caspian. "And you!" I glared marching up to him and grabbing his ear. "What the hell were you thinking? Did you honestly think I would allow you to walk through the barrier just to be with me? What kind of woman do you think I am? No what kind of Queen do you think I am? As to let her own husband abandon their people!"
"I'm sorry!" He cringed before gently pulling my hand from him and pulling me close. "For to long I have mourned what was taken from me, when instead I should have been celebrating what was given to me. A kingdom, a people....a wife and child." Caspian whispered before looking towards Aslan. "I promise to be a better King."
"You already are." Aslan bowed his head at him proudly. "And what of you children?"
"I suppose we should be going home then." Lucy smiled.
"But I thought you loved it here?" Ed looked at her bewirled.
"I do. But..." She started looking between us. "I love home too. And our family. They need us."
"If I may." Reepicheepcame forward and looked at Aslan. "Ever since I can remember I dreamed of seeing your country, and I have had many great adventures in this world but nothing has tampered the yearning. I know I am hardly worthy, but with your permission I will lay down my sword in joy of seeing your country with my own eyes."
"My country was made for Noble hearts, such as yours. No matter how small their bearers be." Aslan smiles at the mouse.
"No one could be more deserving." I grinned.
"Well I -"
"It's true!" Edmund smiled, bowing to Reepicheep.
Stepping forward, Lucy looked ready to cry as she knelt in front of our mousey friend.
"May I?" She asked gently.
"Just this once I suppose." He smiled as she picked him and hugged him to her. "Goodbye Lucy." Setting him back down Eustace took her place in front of him.
"Don't cry." Reepicheep whispered to the boy.
"I don't understand." He sniffled. "Will I never see you again? Ever?"
"What a magnificent puzzle you are..." Reepicheep smiled. "And a true hero. It has been a great honor to fight alongside such a brave warrior and a great friend."
We stood back and watched as he ran across the sandy landscape before pulling his tiny sword from its holster and shoving it into the sand itself. Climbing into the tiny boat that Aslan has called for him we all waved him a goodbye as he disappeared over the backwards wave, disappearing from our lives forever.
"This is our last time here isn't it?" Edmund asked looking down.
"You're all grown up, dear one. Just like Peter and Susan." Aslan spoke softly.
"Will you visit us? In our world?" Edmund choked up.
"I shall watch over you, always."
"How?" Lucy whimpered.
"In your world I go by another name, you must learn to know me by it. It's the reason you were brought here in the first place." Aslan explained. "To know me here a little, you'll know me better there."
"Will we meet again?" Edmund questioned.
"Yes dear ones. One day." And with that Aslan turned to the broader of his kingdom and roared, opening a portal back to the First world.
Lucy, Edmund and Eustace approached us somberly. None truly wanting to leave us.
"I will miss, all of you." I choked as Caspian gently grasped my hand.
"You have been the closest thing I've had to a family." Caspian smiled sadly. "That includes you Eustace."
"Thank you." My cousin smiled, tears coating his eyes. Caspian opened his arms and Edmund immediately embraced him, then Lucy.
Just as they were about to leave, Eustace turned to Aslan, with hopeful eyes.
"Will I ever come back?"
"Narnia, may have yet need of you." And with that they turned and started walking towards the portal.
"Wait!" Spinning around we saw Lily flying down from the skies. One thing kind of roughly, Lily gathered her skirts and rushed forward. "Wait please don't...I..." She started, blushing like mad as she stared at Edmund. ""
Turning towards Aslan, Edmund looked for guidance. But one nod from Aslan and Edmund was running towards Lily.
"So I guess we should come up with a cover story for you?" Eustace grinned.
"Tell Peter and Susan where I've gone but tell the others that I've run away. Forge a note. But yes, I'm staying right here." Edmund smiled his arms still wrapped around the beautiful woman.
"Oh Lucy!" I called out. "Don't forget to show Lucas whose boss!"
Laughing at me she and Eustace finally turned and disappeared from Narnian.
But for how long is the question.

Reunited: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader~~Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now