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Freya's P

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Freya's P.O.V

"Land ho!!!"
Smiling up at my husband I couldn't help the feeling of unbelievable joy that coursed through my veins and spread through my body. Finally after such a long journey, we made it.
And I was even starting to show a little.
As we boarded the long boats I couldn't help but feel as if I've been hear before.
"Freya, are you alright?" Ed asked getting our sister's and Caspian's attention.
"I'm fine. I just...." I trailed off not knowing how to explain it.
"What is it love?"
"I know this sounds insane, but I swear I've been hear before." I whispered, and for the rest of the boat ride, no one said anything. We didn't make it to shore till nightfall, but we knew we had to press on to the castle ruins.
After all we were so close as it is. No point in waiting for morning. But the closer we got the more I kept getting the sense of deja vu. I know I've been here before, I just can't remember.
Why can't I remember!?
Soon we came to an opening that lead into what looked like a dinning room when suddenly everything started to spin before a bright golden light spilled through the room illuminating everything, and suddenly the castle it's self was no longer in ruins.
It was completely forged. Standing tall and proud as if completely new.
The white marble sparkled, and the golden lanterns glimmed with fire.
But for as beautiful as it was everyone was gone.
I was alone.
"Caspian!" I yelled rushing forward. "Edmund!? Lucy!? Where are you!?"
Suddenly I heard a noise behind me and saw Aslan but he was talking with someone...
He was talking to me!!!
But how is this possible!? Wait a minute! That's it! I have been here before. With Aslan.
That's what he was talking about. Our souls came here, years ago when the white witch killed us. But still, I can't remember any of this.
"Freya. Freya!"
"Love are you okay?"
Shooting forward I gasped for breath. Looking around I realized I was on the ground and was back in the dank dreary castle ruins.
"I've been here before." I whispered as my siblings helped me stand.
"What?" Lu asked rubbing my back.
"When Aslan and I died..." I started grabbing Edmund's hand. "This is where our souls came. But I still can't remember why."
"Do you think that this is what Aslan meant about remembering?" Caspian questioned wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Yes. Clearly there is something I know but I just can't seem to grasp what it is or what it's about." I groaned clutching my head as it started hurting.
"Don't force it. We've been through a lot today. Let's continue onwards." Reepicheep stated gently hopping on to my shoulder.
Finally entering the dining room, everyone was a bit cautious about the delicious food on the table.
Approaching the table with caution I nearly screamed when I saw three men at the very end.
"Caspian!" I whispered urgently, turning to face me, Caspian followed my line of sight and noticed them as well. Drawing our weapons, we approached them slowly, confused on wether or not they were alive.
"I'm Cas..." I called noticing one of their rings.
Pointing to the ring with my sword, I answered him.
"If I'm not mistaken I do believe that this is Lord Revilian."
Looking shocked Caspian looked at the other men's fingers, finding their crests.
"Lord Mavramorn. Lord Argoz." Lucy gasped in shock as we heard their breathing.
"They must be under a spell." Ed suggested.
"It's the food!" Caspian called out making the men drop everything they were eating.
"No." I called. "This magic, its not coming from the food."
"What do you mean, your majesty?" Darien called.
"I mean, I know how to sense magic, and I sense it's not coming from the food. Something else must have happened here." I answered.
"Look." Ed called, "It's the stone knife!"
"Of course, this Aslan's table." I smiled at my twin as Caspian starting grabbing the swords. My brother and I started helping him out them in the table but nothing was happening. "Oh no...we only have six!"
"We're still missing one." Caspian groaned.
But suddenly, the swords started glowing.
"Look everyone!" Lu cheered staring up at the sky. We watched in awe as the Blue Star came down and transformed into a beautiful young woman with glowing white hair and skin.
"Travelers of Narnia, welcome." She spoke, and almost all the crew bowed to her. "Arise. Are you not hungry?" She asked confused. Instead of actually answering her my brother, who seemed to be quite smitten with her opened his mouth.
"Who are you?"
"I am Liliandil. Daughter of Ramandu. I am your guide." She smiled as we walked forward.
"You're a star?" Lucy asked excited.
"You are most beautiful." Edmund stated staring at her with fascination and wonder.
"If it is a distraction for you, I can change form." Liliandil offered.
"No." Ed stated a little too quickly.
From here I watched as Liliandil's cheeks turned pink. Ooohhh it seems my brother isn't the only one who is smitten.
"Please, the food is for you." She spoke again, this time change the subject. "There's is plenty for those who are welcome at Aslan's table." She smiled lighting up the candles.
"Wait!" Edmund stopped everyone, pointing in the direction of the Lords. "What happened to them? Freya doesn't seem to think that it was the food."
"And she'd be right." Liliandil smiled in my direction. "These poor men were already half mad by the time they reached out shores. They were threatening violence upon each other." She answered.
"Violence is forbidden here." I clarified. Liliandil smiled nodding her head.
"Yes, and so they were sent to sleep."
"Will they ever wake up?" Lu asked concerned.
"When all is set right. Come. We haven't much time." Liliandil answered.
Following her, we made it up some stairs that led into what I could only assume is a garden. And once more the feeling of deja vu swept over me as I saw a glimpse of myself, Aslan and small girl with beautiful white hair running through the flower hedges.
Soon though, the vision was gone. And it was then I knew.
It was then I remembered everything.

Reunited: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader~~Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now